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Imagining The Gaza Riviera And Other Follies by Philip Giraldi

Philip Giraldi Archive With 101 Posts

The problem is that those folks who are looking nervously at what President Donald Trump is doing to reshape the Middle East to the benefit of Israel are not looking deeply enough into the US domestic policy changes that are also being promoted that will strip Americans of fundamental rights like freedom of speech or association in any situation in which Israel or Jewish groups are involved, even marginally. It is as if the United States is fully engaged in two major tasks simultaneously. The first consists of supporting Israel uncritically no matter what it does or how many civilians it seeks to kill without necessarily overtly endorsing all the policies embraced by the monstrous Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cutthroat colleagues. This is the way President Joe Biden ran things aided by his Zionist Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Biden feigned concern over the tens or possibly even hundreds of thousands of Palestinians being killed by Israel but he kept the flow of American bombs, money, and total political support in place even when he feebly warned and then failed to follow through on a threat that there would be consequences if Israel continued to blockade and starve the Gazans.

The second objective involves laboring to entrench and expand Jewish power in America is to create domestic political and media environment where criticism of Israel or of any Jewish groups will be criminalized, up to and including deporting individuals who are perceived as pro-Palestinian activists or, as Donald Trump has put it, “Jew haters.” The Attorney General and the hopefully soon to be abolished Department of Education are now coming down hard on universities who are perceived as not acting forcibly enough to protect Jewish students. This legal contrivance is accomplished in the time-honored fashion by equating opposition to Israeli and US government policies as “support of terrorism.”

The US media, heavily influenced by Jewish participants and money, is a major component in the “Israel First” racket through its slanted reporting of everything that takes place in the Middle East as well as its avoidance of any serious discussion of constitutional infringements that derive from the desire to protect Israel. One should note recent antisemitism legislation at both federal and state levels which defines criticism of Israel as ipso facto antisemitism and therefore a hate crime with civil and other penalties attached. And then there is Congress where legislator are terrified of offending the Israel Lobby and its Jewish billionaire backers lest they lose their sinecures, meaning that any bill supporting Israel will pass by overwhelming majorities no matter what damage it does to US interests and citizen rights.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is

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Philip Giraldi Articles

Philip Giraldi Archive With 101 Posts

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