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All Children Ages 12 To 15 To Be Injected With Covid-19 Shots In UK Schools With Or Without Parental Consent by Dr. Mike Yeadon

I’ve just been informed via someone senior in the vaccination authorities that they will begin VACCINATING ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN AGED 12 – 15 years old STARTING SEPTEMBER 6th 2021. WITH OR WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. Children are at no measurable risk from SARS-CoV-2 & no previously healthy child has died in U.K. after infection. Not one. The vaccines are NOT SAFE. The USA reporting system VAERS is showing around 13,000 deaths in days to a few weeks after administration. A high % occur in the first 3 days. Around 70% of serious adverse events are thromboembolic in nature (blood clotting- or bleeding-related). IF YOU PERMIT THIS TO GO AHEAD I GUARANTEE THIS: THERE WILL BE AVOIDABLE DEATHS OF PERFECTLY HEALTHY CHILDREN, and severe illnesses in ten times as many. And for no possible benefit. KNOWING WHAT I KNOW FROM 40 years TRAINING & PRACTISE IN TOXICOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY & PHARMACOLOGY, to participate in this extraordinary abuse of innocent children in our care can be classified in no other way than MURDER. It’s up to you. If I had a secondary school age child in U.K., I would not be returning them to school next month, no matter what. The state is going to vaccinate everyone. The gloves are off. This has never been about a virus or public health. It’s wholly about control, totalitarian & irreversible control at that, and they’re nearly there. PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WIDELY.

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