Say goodbye to Palestine
Philip Giraldi Archive With 102 Posts
The Trump Administration, in place for only a little over three weeks, has gone full speed ahead in its advocacy for Israel. Donald Trump’s invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit him at the White House, the first foreign head of state to be honored in that fashion, set the stage for a whole series of actions intended to confirm the status of Israel as America’s “best friend and closest ally” as it is often celebrated by both government and the media. Trump also delighted his visitor by revealing a plan for the United States to completely remove the Palestinians from Gaza so that the US government could “buy” and “own” the strip in order to rebuild it in luxury style, with properties overlooking the Mediterranean Sea emulating the French Riviera that then would be sold to folks “in the area”, meaning presumably wealthy Jews, as Trump also made clear, no Gazans would be allowed to return to what was once their homes. Netanyahu meanwhile is ethnically cleansing the other remnant of Palestinians on the West Bank, meaning that what once was Palestine will before too long be free of Palestinians, and the three million plus new refugees will either be made dead or shipped off to parts unknow. Trump indicated that that issue, meaning the moves undertaken by Israel to depopulate and then annex the West Bank, is also under direct discussion with the Netanyahu government.
Trump also has cleared a shipment of 1800 devastating Mark-84 2000 pound bombs to “finish the job” on Gaza as needed and also, presumably, with Hezbollah neighbors to the north in Lebanon if they should again become uppity. Beyond that, $9 billions dollars worth of new slightly smaller bombs and artillery projectiles as well as armored Caterpillar bulldozers, useful for knocking down Palestinian houses and clearing debris and bodies for the construction of luxury villas, are also on the way.
To top it all off and in giving a special and personal gift to Netanyahu himself, Trump has also issued an executive order imposing comprehensive sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its staff to punish it for having the nerve to accuse the Prime Minister of Israel and his Minister of Defense of war crimes in Gaza. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office welcomed the move and he personally responded to Trump with “Thank you, President Trump, for your bold ICC Executive Order. It will defend America and Israel from the anti-American and antisemetic [sic] corrupt court that has no jurisdiction or basis to engage in lawfare against us… The ICC waged a ruthless campaign against Israel as a trial run for action against America. President Trump’s Executive Order protects the sovereignty of both countries and its brave soldiers. Thank you, President Trump.”
Nevertheless, Trump, whose ignorance about whom to blame for what has been happening in the Middle East during the past seventy-five years is profound, is nevertheless learning that not everything works out as he would like it to. There are already indications that the Gaza Riviera plan is unlikely to develop for a number of reasons, including unwillingness of Arab countries to take in millions of new refugees as well as who pays for it and provides security. There are also legal issues including the question of whom Trump intends to “buy” the land from as the Gazans are regarded by most of the world and also by the international courts as the owners, not Israel, which would presumably wind up as the default possessors through military occupation of the property. So the “deal of the millennium” is not likely to go through in quite the way that the US president described it.
To a certain extent, Trump is being allowed to get away with his overweening fondness for Israel because a Congress that has been corrupted by Jewish lobby money is, if anything, more pathetic and prone to crawling before Netanyahu than is the president. So there is virtually no check on his behavior when it comes to giving Israel even more than what it demands as tribute. Lest the reader be tempted to ask, there is more, much more, and some of it not only contrary to actual US interests, but actually damaging to the existing constitutional rights and liberties of each and every American citizen.
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is
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Philip Giraldi Archive With 102 Posts
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Trump honestly believes he is untouchable. I’d imagine so did the Nazis before the Nuremberg Tribunal was convened. Keep documenting the facts – they will be useful at some point in judging genocide and massive quantities of crimes-against-humanity.
Trump also appeared with Larry Ellison, et. al. talking up AI, mass surveillance and mRNA injectable poison. All of these things are as far from MAGA as they can be. Trump needs to clarify who and what he supports. Again, keep the documentation. It will be useful one day. Trump will keep digging a hole until the walls collapse on him. It’s just the base nature of the corrupt.
i think that people don’t give Trump enough credit for understanding that people want to use him and the MAGA brand for their own nefarious purposes.
He supports genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. It is still happening although at a much slower rate. Trump could do 100 good things but he will never remove the stain and his responsibility for the genocide and other crimes against humanity.
If you want and educated and reasoned approach to judge Trump, look up Catherine Austin Fitts and Gerald Celente. Suffice it to say that Trump is not a good guy even if he is better than the dems.