The majority of journalists and some members of the public tend to regard the peer review system as a vital part of the scientific process.
If a new piece of research is published they will dismiss it as worthless if it hasn’t been ‘peer reviewed’.
I’ve got bad news for them.
The peer review system is not just worthless – it is dangerous and designed to perpetuate errors, misconceptions and faulty reasoning.
The problem is that the ‘peers’ who are chosen to ‘review’ a scientific paper or a piece of scientific research will invariably be members of a small group of individuals who are committed to supporting the establishment – and who almost certainly have financial links to the establishment. If they are peer reviewing a medical paper they will, in 99 times out of 100, have links to the pharmaceutical industry.
Scientists who are asked to review a piece of research will be part of the system they are reviewing. They will depend for their livelihood on reputations built on supporting the establishment. The scientist who doesn’t do what he is expected to do, and who welcomes original thinking, will soon be exiled and find himself unemployable. His work won’t be published in the standard journals. A scientist who questions accepted beliefs (however blatantly wrong they may be) will not be asked to ‘peer review’ anything.
Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive
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No s centist ever dared disagree with the Pope They would be burned at the stake and the pharmaceutical industries are tied to the Vatican now because It evolved that way by rule of law