Throughout Europe, despite their heads of state promising otherwise, countries have begun to roll out vaccine passports. Under the tyrannical measures, citizens must present proof of vaccination, usually on a smartphone, before being allowed in places like bars, restaurants or social events. Naturally, this attack on the freedom to travel and socialize has sparked massive backlash by those who do not wish to submit to tyranny. Last month, when these announcements were made and the passes rolled out in Europe, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in France, Switzerland, and Italy. Many of the protests turned violent as police clashed with the modern freedom fighters. A video uploaded by French political activist Anonyme Citoyen, or Anonymous Citizen, shows Swiss citizens installing their own tables, chairs, and blankets in the streets – set up in front of bars and restaurants which require the vaccine passport for entry. “As in France, the Swiss are setting up free terraces in front of bars and restaurants in Winterthur while the health pass entered into force this week in Switzerland,” Anonyme Citoyen writes, describing the scene.
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