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Silenced And Smeared – The Hounding Of Dr. Sam by Sally Beck

As I reported in TCW Defending Freedom here, Dr Sam White, a former partner in a Hampshire GPs’ practice, was suspended by NHS England after tweeting a resignation video in February explaining his concerns around Covid vaccination and what he felt about the government and NHS’s over-zealous response to the pandemic. Now the independent Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) has ruled that there were no grounds for suspending Dr. White – but he must still be gagged. For the next 18 months, Dr. White ‘must not use social media to put forward or share any views about the Covid-19 pandemic and its associated aspects’. Dr. White’s lawyers will appeal under Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998, which states that everyone has the right to freedom of expression, although the law may be subject to conditions or restrictions necessary in a democratic society. Surely doctors should never be silenced in a democratic society? Dr White said: ‘If I lose my ability to speak freely so will other doctors. ‘I have been forced to agree that I will erase the video and any other Covid criticism from my Twitter and Instagram accounts.

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