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Genocide By Corruption: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Dr. Vladimir Zelenko And Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (55:54)

Genocide By Corruption: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Dr. Vladimir Zelenko And Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (55:54)
(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)

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2 Replies to “Genocide By Corruption: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Dr. Vladimir Zelenko And Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (55:54)

    Greek Lawyer Nikos Antoniadis is announcing the 4311 pages lawsuit he filed against the Greek Prime Minister,Members of Ministry Council, covid experts, covid hospitals, the media, specific judges and prosecutors, Facebook Corporation & Greek “fact checkers”, and anyone else participating in the criminal organization that was formed in Greece, committing felonies against Greek people, in order to support the narrative of a “pandemic” via the application of two protocols: the Protocol of Fraud and the Protocol of Death.A second lawsuit follows, proving that the final scope of the pandemic narrative is the mass murder of a part of the population in the frame of global depopulation plan, and it is being achieved via the application of a third protocol: the Protocol of Mass Vaccination.

    Watch the whole video and feel free to share it around the globe.*** Warning: The final part of the video 00:52:34 where the pleadings of the lawsuit are read is really shocking and will bring tears in your eyes. ***

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