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Has Nassim Taleb’s Black Swan Been Spotted? by Video Rebel

Video Rebel Archive With 74 Posts

Nassim Taleb recently wrote of de-dollarization on twitter. I believe that the Black Swan event we have been waiting for is the simultaneous humiliation of the US military on multiple fronts causing a sudden and catastrophic collapse of the dollar. The Good News is that the Liberal Establishment that has been bleeding us dry for decades might also die.

We ought not to think of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, the War on Terror and NATO’s project in the Ukraine as separate events but as just different phases of One Unwinnable Forever War. When I was in high school, I asked how real the Cold War could be if both sides had the same Bankers, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds? If the Bankers own your government, then think of war as a means to make them richer and you poorer. Of course, tens of millions of us had to die to make the whole thing seem real on the TV.

To understand government in Europe, the UK, Canada, the US, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, you must learn to think like a Banker. He sees you as a means to enrich himself. He knows that the purpose of the government he owns is to make himself richer and to keep you in your place.

Dr. Mark Skidmore has found from government sources that $17 trillion went missing from the DOD (Dept of Defense) and HUD (Housing and Urban Development) from 1998 to 2015. I have pointed out before that the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) revealed total military spending is really $1.51 trillion when we add in spending from 6 other agencies. For example, nuclear weapons are often paid for by the Dept of Energy.

Banker Occupied Governments are jailing people for speaking the truth about America’s Unwinnable Forever War and refusing to believe the lies they require us to believe so they may stay in power.

Those lies bring us directly to their Ukraine project. It has made NATO clients in Kiev very rich. Zelensky just bought his 5th overseas mansion. His latest comes with vineyards in Italy that he bought from the entertainer known as Sting. But 600,000 Ukrainian soldiers have already died. Many were killed while undergoing surgery so that their organs could be sold to wealthy patients overseas who needed the heart or liver or kidney or lungs of younger men who had passed the physical for military service in the Ukrainian army.

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Video Rebel Archive With 74 Posts

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