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Crisis Is The Norm In Domestic War, But This Country And The World Are In Crisis By Design by Gary D. Barnett

It should have become obvious by this time that ‘crisis’ management political policy is the new war being waged against society as a whole, in order for the state and its masters to gain total control over every aspect of human life, regardless of the dire consequences to the rest of us. How does it […]

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Serbian Genius vs. Jewish Fraud by Hyperborean Research (15:04)

Serbian Genius vs. Jewish Fraud by Hyperborean Research (15:04) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Serbian Genius vs. Jewish Fraud by Hyperborean Research (15:04) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Nikola Tesla Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Growing Up Means Extracting The Beliefs That Were Placed In Your Head By Others by Caitlin Johnstone

Most people never grow up. Not really. Growing up means maturing. It means becoming independent. It means developing into your own person and standing on your own two feet. Few people really do this. Because few people ever get around to extracting all the beliefs that were placed in their heads by other people. Most […]