They (the cabal) only believe that they own us because they give us a Fictitious Name, a Strawman, when our birth is registered, and We the People can easily regain possession of our names from the CLC (Common Law Court) using God-given Natural Law.
Well spoken Neil Oliver: We the People have bodily autonomy and we are sovereign beings, so those we pay to SERVE and PROTECT us have zero authority to RULE us and coerce us into gene jabs intended solely to maim, kill and trans-humanize us.
All those monsters complicit in the covid1984 injections must be charged with Crimes against Humanity.
They do. At least learn the law.
They (the cabal) only believe that they own us because they give us a Fictitious Name, a Strawman, when our birth is registered, and We the People can easily regain possession of our names from the CLC (Common Law Court) using God-given Natural Law.
Well spoken Neil Oliver: We the People have bodily autonomy and we are sovereign beings, so those we pay to SERVE and PROTECT us have zero authority to RULE us and coerce us into gene jabs intended solely to maim, kill and trans-humanize us.
All those monsters complicit in the covid1984 injections must be charged with Crimes against Humanity.
All these policies are to kill large numbers of humans.
Wake up, ding dongs—