Dorothy Thompson was deluged with speaking invitations after her dramatic exit from Germany. Her lectures drempressive crowds everywhere she went. Dorothy was often introduced as the “First Lady of American Journalism” on the speaker’s platform. As the war went on, however, Dorothy became increasingly disillusioned with Allied policy. Dorothy dated her “profound alienation” with Allied policy beginning in January 1943, when Roosevelt and Churchill met in Casablanca and demanded unconditional surrender by the Germans and the Japanese. She regarded this demand as “a barbarity,” “an absurdity,” and “an insanity.” She was convinced to the end of her life that this Allied policy prolonged the war by at least a year, since it deprived “the forces in Germany that were anxious for peace” of any possible means of achieving it. In the months to come, Dorothy was forced to realize that she was seriously outew of step with the mood in America. In 1944 U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr. devised a plan to divide Germany when the war was over, with plans to strip Germany of her industrial capacity, and transform the nation into a purely agricultural state. Dorothy called Morgenthau “an amorphous ass.” She wondered what Morgenthau proposed to do “with 30 or 40 million Germans who cannot possibly become peasants. Put them all on WPA?” Dorothy was also disgusted with the “Hollywoodizing” of the war. It was forbidden in the United States, for example, to show film of American soldiers killed on the battlefield. She was also fearful of the effect of depicting the Germans as “stock villains” and the Japanese as “toothy apes.”
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