Articles Brain Electricity Energy History Ingenious New York City Nikola Tesla Radio Science Technology

Nikola Tesla – The Genius Who Lit The World by Dr. Ljubo Vujovic

Tesla was a pioneer in many fields. The Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment. That year also marked the date of Tesla’s United States citizenship. His alternating current induction motor is considered one of the ten greatest discoveries of all time. […]

Articles Brain Electricity Energy History Ingenious New York City Nikola Tesla Radio Science Technology

Nikola Tesla by

Nikola Tesla is one of those rare people who have marked their age and caused great changes in it, not only in the domain of the immediately applicable inventions, but also in the domain of new ideas and technology of the future. He is one of those people who have inspired many followers and fellow […]

Articles Brain Electricity Energy History Ingenious New York City Nikola Tesla Radio Science Technology

Nikola Tesla: The Extraordinary Life Of A Modern Prometheus by Richard Gunderman

The opening of a new biopic of Tesla provides a timely opportunity to review the life of a man who came from nowhere yet became world famous; claimed to be devoted solely to discovery but relished the role of a showman; attracted the attention of many women but never married; and generated ideas that transformed […]