5G America Artificial Intelligence Big Lie Black Projects Dana Ashlie Deep State Divide And Conquer Freemasonry Government History Jesus Christ New World Order Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Psychology Surveillance Technocracy Technology United States Videos Wall Street Corruption World Economic Forum World Health Organization Why Trump Will Win (And You May Not Like The Answer) by Dana Ahslie (41:03) Posted on November 3, 2020November 3, 2020 Author EarthNewspaper.com Comment(0) Why Trump Will Win (And You May Not Like The Answer) by Dana Ahslie (41:03) (To view full screen click the link below.) https://www.bitchute.com/video/ntYvWAEdwy1Z [dntplgn recurring_amt1=”4.50″ recurring_amt2=”3.00″ recurring_amt3=”1.50″ item_name=”Donation for EarthNewspaper.com” paypal_email=”mark@eimagine.net” currency_code=”USD” currency_symbol=”$” return_url=” https://earthnewspaper.com/index.php/thank-you-for-donating-to-earthnewspaper-com”]