GMO Free USA launches searchable database of scientific studies and reports on the safety and effects of GMOs and associated agrichemicals.
GMO Free USA has launched the first-of-its-kind searchable science database of studies and reports on the safety and effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and associated agrichemicals. GMO Research is the world’s most comprehensive science database, containing more than 2,000 studies and journal publications documenting risks and potential and actual harmful effects of GMOs (also known as genetically engineered or bioengineered organisms) and the related pesticides and agrichemicals. The database contains references culled from around the world documenting health effects, environmental impacts, impacts on non-target organisms, resistance of target organisms, pesticide drift damage, genetic contamination, horizontal gene transfer and other unintended effects, as well as references related to crop yields, social impact, ethics and economics.
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GMOs use Monsanto’s Roundup which contains Glyphosate, a proven carcinogenic. Glyphosate is not good for plants either. It binds with phosphorous and makes it unavailable to the plant. Turns out that your plant uses it as the first step in photosynthesis which is the hydrolysis of H2O into OH and H. Tell that the next time you see someome reaching for Roundup at the garden store.