I knew that this day would probably come—many others have suffered from censorship—but somehow I hoped it wouldn’t. After all, COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled had sold over 3,500 copies for Amazon since publication on August 20.
Along with over 3,500 Amazon sales, the book had received 50 customer ratings, 92% 5-star, 8% 4-star. No one gave it 1, 2 or 3 stars. So how can Amazon call it a “poor customer experience”? Aren’t their customers supposed to determine that?
Also, since amazon’s censorship has made a Kindle e-book impossible, I am making free pdf and ePub versions of the book available. One last thing I’ll say as a word of encouragement: censorship often backfires. If you say to people “Don’t read this book,” their instinct is to go and read it.
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