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What Doctors Won’t Tell You About Chemotherapy by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 160 Posts

A decade ago doctors agreed that one in three people would get cancer. Today, the same doctors tell us that one in two people will get cancer.

There, in that simple statistic, is all the proof you need that the so-called War on Cancer is a total failure. The huge multi-billion dollar cancer industry has helped make things worse not better.

Seventeen types of cancer are much commoner among young people than they used to be.

And it isn’t difficult to see why the cancer industry is a failure.

The industry (by which I mean the comfortable, rich conspiracy of drug companies, cancer charities and the medical establishment – all of which have got very rich through their failure) has failed because it has put most of its effort into a form of treatment, chemotherapy, which almost certainly kills more people than it saves, and little or no effort into other treatments or into education and prevention. The cancer industry now spends hundreds of billions a year but if it were judged by results it would be closed down tomorrow.

No medical or nursing journal will dare review my new book. No mainstream publication will dare discuss the contents. No one will dare interview me. The reviews will consist largely of one star reviews on Amazon which are unaccompanied by any actual reviews – and which will probably be posted by bots working for the cancer industry.

Full Article:

Dr. Vernon Coleman’s new book `What doctors won’t tell you about chemotherapy’ is now available.

Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 160 Posts

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