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Russian TV: Ukraine Has A Nuclear Bomb In Mykolaiv Which It Will Detonate And Blame On Russia (0:54)

Russian TV: Ukraine Has A Nuclear Bomb In Mykolaiv Which It Will Detonate And Blame On Russia (0:54)
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Russian TV: Ukraine Has A Nuclear Bomb In Mykolaiv Which It Will Detonate And Blame On Russia (0:54)
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One Reply to “Russian TV: Ukraine Has A Nuclear Bomb In Mykolaiv Which It Will Detonate And Blame On Russia (0:54)

  1. Typical Like them with the Spanish society Flu that just happened to coincide with the creation of aspirin. They told all the suckers aspro would be safe and effective in preventing deadly Spanish flu so they all ran off like robots gobbling down aspro and surprise they forgot to tell them aspro overdose was fatal .

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