Does SARS-CoV-2 even exist? Is this the greatest PSYOP ever? At least with “Where’s Waldo?” you know he’s there if you bother to look.
Virologist Poornima Wagh (2 PhDs in Virology and Immunology plus a 20-year career as a Lab researcher) part of a research team paid $1.5 million by NIH to isolate the SARS-CoV-2 virus claims:
no virus was ever isolated. no virus exists.
no publication would accept their findings for peer review that says no virus exists or has ever been isolated
the “in silico” genomic sequence “virus” from so-called patient zero in Wuhan was computer generated with only 40 base pairs compared to 30,000-40,000 for a real virus
they requested the CDC send them one sample of the virus, but the CDC said they didn’t have any
when they spoke out about their findings, the FBI raided their lab in April 2021
there was a global coordinated effort (governments + international organizations + media) to orchestrate the real pandemic which was fear, so they can proceed with their real agenda which is depopulation
colds, cases of flu, cases of pneumonia were counted as positive covid cases, and deaths
false positives of cancer and other deaths were counted as covid deaths
5G rollout is the most likely explanation for the collection of symptoms known as “covid-19” happening in certain cities during that 2020 timeline and continuing today
130,000 5G towers went operational in Wuhan at the time of the “outbreak”
deaths were intentionally inflated (or people were intentionally killed with drugs and deadly procedures) to create panic and hysteria
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Maybe Here years ago head of psych dept at uni professor ron penny and others tried to prove there was no such thing as hiv or aids since no one had isolated it The Perth team or something they were known as Its all on the internet, their years if research and debate. Anyway then that French scientists found something or whatever ?All very odd if you ask me and somehow that changed their views and Ron became some big thing in the aids academia government sort of payroll, you know public service ,that’s what they call it. All that .Who knows
Anyway another professor proved using the paper trails in the scientific journals that Corona was made jointly by America and Csiro here and then they SOLD it to China. Course he was shot down and never seen again .All that usual stiff whenever the truth leaks out Isually how you know it from falsehoods or propagandas or lies actually The truths not visible for long.
No virus of any kind has ever been isolated or proven to exist. It’s fraud and the entire health-care system is built around it which explains why health-care has been the # 1 killer for many generations. From the Fraud scientists to the Schools teaching the fraud to the W.H.O and the agencies that approve the poisons of pharmaceuticals it’s all been funded by the Rockefeller family and foundation. Real medicine comes from plants not chemicals left over from refining oil. Sad it took this complete insanity of the last few years for people to question what should have been obvious.. Modern Health-care was never about health or care and we went from the healthiest people on earth 1920’s to having the sickest population ever even before the voluntary genocide by Jew poison jabs.