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“War Is A Racket,” And That Includes The Ukraine War by Chuck Baldwin

During the next 6 months we will certainly see further deterioration of the value of the US Dollar, but it is uncertain how the populace will react. Although Elites would like us to believe that the future is determined by them, it is not. When polls are displayed in the media they are doing it to change public opinion. Studies show that if you show studies with a certain bias or by studying the wrong things, it will affect the mass consciousness. How people, businesses, and other economic actors react to food shortages, product shortages, or a stock market crash will thus determine what course the future will take.
Although Elites would like us to believe that the future is determined by them, it is not. How people, businesses, and other economic actors react to food shortages, product shortages, or a stock market crash will thus determine what course the future will take. In other words, We the People will determine the ultimate outcome of this attack against our Liberty and prosperity. The elite’s plan will come to naught if We the People do not allow ourselves to be manipulated by them.
That requires that we reject the media’s perpetual propaganda regarding Ukraine and start demanding that the U.S. butt out of the conflict there (which would bring the conflict to an almost immediate end) and begin rectifying the runaway spending habits of the U.S. government—which is a presage of runaway inflation and eventual financial ruination for the American people—and return to sound money principles.
The criminals in DC are hoping that as inflation continues to escalate, as your income falls farther and farther behind the cost of living, as the stock market plunges, as food and other necessities become harder and harder to find that you will be so fixated on fighting a phony war in defense of the Ukrainian comedian who calls himself a president that you won’t notice that the Machiavellian miscreants who are running this Ponzi scheme are in the process of stripping you of both your liberties and your financial stability and are turning us into a feudal system where they are the masters and we are the serfs.
What the American people do in the next six months will likely determine their own future for the next six generations.

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One Reply to ““War Is A Racket,” And That Includes The Ukraine War by Chuck Baldwin

  1. Rocket. War is a rocket. Simple facts people breed too much Tooamy young people Exponential. Grow rate too bad for emoyment especially after industrial revolution. And now with technology how many telephone service ingenues do we even need?
    No some have to go. It’s that simole They’re a liability which welfare can’t afford.

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