Credentialed class great pretenders will lead the way in our new Dark Ages.
Lia Thomas tucks his penis into her swimsuit as he takes to the starting block in the NCAA women’s 500 Yard Freestyle finals which allow men to participate as long as they take some level of hormone suppressors to sufficiently pacify some body of “experts” on some committee at the NCAA assigned to arbitrate such things.
Presumably this testosterone suppression doesn’t involve reading Buzzfeed, The Huffington Post, drinking extra soy and being a moderator of a subreddit devoted to rare editions of magic cards. Though none of these things are necessary anymore as the average male testosterone levels have declined by two thirds over the past forty years without taking anything at all so we can safely assume that there’s hardly a need for such an arbitrating body to oversee this process at all.
Both the fact that such a body exists in our world, and that environmental conditions have lowered men’s testosterone levels don’t just portend our coming dark ages, they may well signal their full arrival. Men who cannot be protectors and guardians of a civilization, will soon find themselves without one. Perhaps this too is by design. With all that has happened the past two years alone, the endless biological crimes against humanity you’d think there’d be some men out there willing to rain hellfire down on those we know are responsible hiding in plain sight, and yet, apparently there are no more lions left to roar for our pride. More on all that soon. Back to the nuts.
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