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Against The World: Extreme False Flag Telegraphing By The Evil Zionist Israel by Gary D. Barnett

“False Flag operations by governments are the easiest and quickest way to persuade the population to sacrifice their own in order to achieve goals of the elite.”
James Thomas Kesterson Jr.

I have never seen a more obvious set up for a false flag attack orchestrated by Zionist Israel, with the full cooperation of the U.S. and NATO, to create a fake and fatal attack that kills their own in order to stoke a war with Iran. Any war with Iran would necessarily include great risk of world war between the U.S., NATO, Russia, China, and the entire Middle East. The objective of course, is for Israel to bring the West against Iran and the Middle East, in order to destroy both in the effort to advance Zionist Israel to a position of being able to depopulate the earth while gaining false sympathy and even more massive power over all Western governments.

As I stated on August 5th: “We are on the verge of all-out war due to Israel’s direction of U.S. policy; policy totally accepted and embraced by the bought and paid for politicians who carry out the agendas of their masters in the deep state. The rhetoric being spewed today is fully indicative of a pre-planned coup and false flag structured by Zionist Israel and the U.S. to implicate Iran as aggressor, when in fact the exact opposite is the case. Headlines today state that “Iran expected to attack Israel as early as Monday,” this as Iran has already been attacked by Israel with U.S. support. The U.S. is said to be deploying ships and fighter jets to the Middle East (Israel) to prepare to slaughter more people who have not been involved in any aggressive war for nearly 300 years. This scam is ongoing of course, as both the U.S. and Israel have continued to threaten Iran at every turn, and will likely create a falsified attack against their own in order to blame Iran so as to purposely start a war that could escalate into world war. This of course has been done on multiple occasions throughout our history.”

This is a plotted outcome sought by Zionist Israel in order to get the entire West and Middle East fighting each other. I took a lot of flak when I made this statement, because many misunderstood my meaning. This was because Iran had stated publicly that it could and possibly would retaliate against Zionist Israel for its unprovoked attack of aggression that murdered by assassination by bombing an Hamas leader (Hamas was built, funded, and supported by Israel) in Tehran. This was just one of many unwarranted attacks against Iran by Israel, so any retaliation by Iran of course would have been legitimate.

“If you support this government, condone this government, and choose this government by voting to keep it in power, you are also involved in genocide. This is not self-defense, it is first degree torture and murder, and supporting this governing system in any way is testament to your complicity in evil.”
Gary D. Barnett – Netanyahu, and the Terrorist Zionists and U.S. Government, Should Be Damned!

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Gary D. Barnett

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