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Infant Deaths Surge To Record High Since Covid Vax Rollout by Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive With 44 Posts

Almost everyone notices the gigantic uptick of young, healthy adults in the prime of life falling dead. Almost everyone notices, but almost no one wants to connect the dots. Now we read the statistics regarding the record numbers of infants who are unexpectedly dying.

Writing for Frank Bergman reports:

Newly released CDC data shows that death rates for American babies spiked massively in 2022.

The surge marks the first jump in infant mortality rates in twenty years.

The surge in deaths for children under the age of 1 started in 2022, the year after Covid mRNA shots were rolled out for public use.

In June 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expanded the approval for Covid mRNA injection to be used on babies and toddlers aged 6 months to 5 years old.

According to data released by the CDC, more than 20,500 babies died in 2022 before the age of 1.

The final records show that, overall, there were 5.6 infant deaths for every 1,000 live births, a 3% increase from the year before.

Infant mortality in the US has been generally trending down since at least 1995, when consistent tracking started.

However, 2022 was the first time there was a statistically significant increase since 2002, according to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.

Experts are warning that any increase in infant deaths is cause for concern.

Amanda Jean Stevenson, a demographer and assistant professor of sociology at the University of Colorado Boulder, is among those raising the alarm after reviewing the CDC data.

“Infant health is one of the most important public health indicators that we have,” Stevenson said.

“The fact that [infant mortality rates] are not continuing to decrease is a very big deal.

“Even flat infant mortality rates are not good.

“We need to see these numbers going down – and fast – because they are far too high.”

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Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive With 44 Posts

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