And the fact remains: The U.S. started this war back in 2014. NATO and Ukraine are not fighting a defensive war—Russia is. It is the nation suffering from the wounds inflicted upon it by the United States and NATO. It is the wounded bear.
Most of the people in Western Europe seem to understand this, as they are out in force calling for the abolishment of their warmongering governments and demanding a return to peace and prosperity. What they may not realize is that the governmental leaders in Western Europe are merely following the instructions—and demands—of their dictatorial benefactor, Washington, D.C.
But for the time being, the good news is that a global uprising has begun—at least in Western Europe and other foreign countries.
But where the uprising is needed most is right here in the United States—an uprising that is focused on the sacred principles of Liberty, NOT on the Trojan Horse Donald Trump.
It would be so refreshing if we could just get conservatives to start rallying behind Liberty principles instead of putting all of their hope and trust in lying politicians.
At least the people in Western Europe are making their presence felt—probably because they are already starting to get a taste of what the Great Reset means for the common man. When people start running out of food, are unable to pay for electricity and gas and begin freezing at night, it tends to get one’s attention.
The Great Reset hasn’t totally gotten America’s attention yet. But it will! The only question is: By the time it does, will it be too late?
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Hahaha Transparent as Hitler in a holocaust.