Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Western mainstream media outlets have put professionalism in the trash and began to serve as fully fledged propaganda outlets for the Ukrainian military and NATO’s cause. We have all witnessed the unprecedented moves taken by Western countries, resulting in the outright banning of Russian media outlets throughout Europe and the United Kingdom for example. Anti-Russian sentiment is now at an all time high. As an example, in Vancouver (Canada) a Russian community center was attacked and vandalized with Ukrainian flag colored paint. The incident happened shortly prior to the arrival of over 100 school students and according to staff, 80% of the members there are actually Ukrainian. The incident roughly resembles the ignorance of Westerners who defaced Hindu and Sikh places of worship, mistaking them for being Mosques, rampant during the US-led war on Iraq in 2003. In addition to this, in places like the UK and elsewhere in NATO member States, sports teams will enter the pitch wearing Ukrainian flags, the flags will be handed out to fans in the crowd and the military will even be present at the stadium, as a symbolic show of solidarity. Liz Truss, the UK’s foreign secretary, even stated that she has no problem with UK citizens breaking the country’s own law by going to fight in Ukraine against Russia.