A New York Times report exposing the US military for killing 70 Syrian civilians, in 2019, does not show a case of “bad apples”, but rather highlights a popular trend in a military industrial complex fixated on bringing death and destruction to the Middle East. On March 18, 2019, the ‘New York Times’ revealed that a special ground operations unit, called ‘Ground Force 9’, ordered strikes in Baghouz, Syria, which killed anywhere between 50 to 80 people. The special operations unit reportedly did not need the usual authorization to launch the strikes they did, which came from F-15E fighter jets. The first airstrike that was launched dropped a 500 pound bomb on a group of primarily women and children. Shortly after, they fired a second. They then fired a third 2,000 pound bomb that was dropped on the crowd ensuring the deaths of the survivors. https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/nyt-report-syrians-killed-by-us-airstrikes-tip-iceberg
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