Leaks are turning into floods. We are hearing about brutal clinical studies on puppies and other animals, and now a study involving orphans in New York. These studies were funded, in whole or part, by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a federal agency headed up by Anthony Fauci since 1984. In 2014, investigative reporter, Liam Scheff, wrote an article at omsj.org, looking back on the orphan scandal. Ten years earlier, he had broken the story, and was then subjected to multiple attacks in the press. Here is Liam’s 2014 article. As you read it, remember where the funding for the orphan drug trial came from.
From Dr. Vernon Coleman
Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information
If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at EarthNewspaper.com which contains over 2,250 articles about covid-19 – it is said to be the largest archive of covid-19 articles and videos online and I believe it. We are fighting a war and EarthNewspaper.com is a valuable asset in the war – an asset too often under-estimated. The site’s tagline is `All the Honest News Fit to Publish’. If you’re looking for a way to help the Resistance Movement I suggest you subscribe and make a donation to EarthNewspaper.com