You Get What You Pay For by Robert Cinque

Robert Cinque Archive:

February 17, 2021

Like good little boys and girls, we sit like mice in front of the TV, lapping up the stories, one right after another, as if they were mother’s milk. The Doctors in White Coats, the Priests and their Holy Scriptures, the Scientists and their Microscopes know what’s going on, thank God. The world is so darned confusing, I just can’t figure it out. Thankfully, the experts are here to save me from my ignorance. They have degrees. From Universities. They have a license hanging on their walls. They are the pillars of society. They are the authorities. They know what’s best.

There are so many enemies out there, I need protection. I was born into Original Sin, so now I need salvation. Thankfully, God has enacted a Plan of Salvation so that I can be rescued from this terrible plight.

Not only that, there are invisible germs that are lurking on every surface, waiting to invade me. They are so small I cant see them, but the Doctors can see them with their super duper microscopes and they say that I need to wear a mask and be quarantined and take a DNA altering nano operating system vaccine to defeat this ruthless enemy. What do I know? I’m helpless and vulnerable and scared shitless. I need to be rescued by the Priests, Scientists and Doctors. They are working hard to save us. They spend billions of dollars of our tax money on research and development. They hold meetings and try really, really hard to help us, God bless them.

Its so great to go to sleep at night knowing that my soul is being saved by the Blood Sacrifice of the Savior, my body is being treated with the best medical technology in history, and my mind is being educated with the thrilling advances in scientific breakthroughs. Why, did you know what you always thought was your consciousness is just a bunch of neurons firing randomly in your brain?

You’re not really alive as a sacred human being, that’s an illusion. And, because of the great advances in computer science and bio technology, we will soon be transhumans! That’s right. You see, we are flawed genetically and we need to upgrade our software! It’s that simple!

Soon, we will all be relieved of all those difficult emotions like anger and fear and we will all be a part of a larger whole, one big family!! We’re all in this together!

We’ll never be lonely or hungry again because mommy and daddy are taking care of things. The World Economic Forum says this is the Great Reset, as humanity shifts into the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The nano computer bots in our bloodstream will send and receive signals from Central Processing and, if we obey the rules, our credit scores will be high and we will be able to survive. We wont own anything, private property is a social construct, but we’ll be happy!

Gender is also a social construct. You’re not really male or female and, if you think so, this means you are a colonial, slave owning bigot who is transphobic and needs some serious de-programming. 

Thankfully, this re-education is being provided for us by Google and its partnership with Big Pharma and Big Government. They are cleaning out all the dangerous mis information that extremists are posting on line about the dangers of vaccines and other conspiracy theories. These people need to have their First Amendment rights stripped from them because they are inciting violence with their hate speech.

Since I cant figure things out for myself and, because the world is such a scary place, I need experts and authorities to tell me what’s true. Who am I to know what’s true? The arrogance of those people who claim to know whats true really pisses me off. I think they should all be herded up together and put into prisons and labor camps so that the rest of us can enjoy our Netflix and GMO popcorn in peace.

We deserve to be first in line too and, when I get the micro computer DNA modification vaccine Operating System installed in my bloodstream, I will also get a Digital Tatoo that gives me permission to buy groceries and travel. Why, without the vaccine and the immunity from disease that it provides, I would only be a super spreader and could infect millions of people. That would be irresponsible. These people who think that they can’t spread disease even when they are not sick and have no symptoms are science deniers and are a threat to the rest of us, the dirty motherfuckers.

Dr Fauci and Bill Gates work tirelessly to get the entire population vaccinated. Yes, they make a gargantuan, obscenely inflated, astronomical profit, but that’s not their motive. Their motive is to save us because we are in such danger. They design covid19 tests that produce false positives 94% of the time because they care about us. And, if people die horrible, wretched deaths from heavy metals in the vaccines, that’s a good thing because it means that we are learning more every day and getting closer to vaccines that will only have to be administered every 6 weeks for the rest of your life. That’s right. The virus is so clever, it mutates all the time into new deadly strains, so more and more vaccines are needed? See?

The thousands of people who have taken the vaccine and gone into shock, convulsions, paralysis and died horrible, choking deaths are there to remind us how important vaccines are. Those people didn’t die from the vaccine, they had underlying conditions which the vaccine only exposed. If it were not for the vaccine, those conditions would never have been known. Therefore, the patient always dies from the pre-conditions, never from the vaccine. Now, that’s a relief. If you don’t believe me, just watch the news, I saw it on CNN. You’ll see, if you really look. Germs cause disease and we need protection.

It’s not my junk diet, fluoride, pesticides, 5G radiation, air pollution, air borne uranium dust, GMO’s, or pharmaceutical drugs. No, it’s Germs and only MY Doctor can save me.

The people who claim that fresh organic food, sunshine, deep rest, pure water and a life of love and purpose are the basis of health have been brainwashed by fairy tales and charlatans. They peddle false cures and endanger everyone with false hope.

They think that their opinions are greater than Science. They must be de-platformed and silenced because they are dangerous to those of us who believe the experts.

Just because Nature has been designing organisms for untold trillions of millennia doesn’t mean that the 200 year old Germ Theory is wrong. And, just because the Immune System can detect pathogens and neutralize them in nano seconds with its oxygen based compounds like hydrogen peroxide, ozone and chlorine dioxide, that doesn’t mean that we don’t need vaccines.

That’s because we are inherently flawed and need to be fixed spiritually, physically and mentally.

Just because it is utterly impossible for anything or anyone to be separate from its Origin, and just because our Immune System is highly qualified to protect us, and just because we have the ability to understand complex systems on our own doesn’t mean that we don’t need experts and saviors.

Thinking that is not sanctioned by the Group is dangerous and must be eliminated. If everyone thought for themselves, there would be chaos and anarchy. People could get hurt. Far better to let the experts think for us. That way, we won’t make mistakes and will be safe. Nothing is greater than safety. Not freedom. Not love. Not independence or self ownership.

In our world, Safety is God. If you give a speech that inspires someone to protest an injustice, then you have incited violence and must be prosecuted. Nothing is greater than safety. No matter how many countries have to be invaded, no matter how many people must suffer from lockdowns and financial ruin, safety first.

Just because you are going to die one day does not mean that safety is not first. Instead of probing into the Mystery of Being and learning to Identify with That Which is Eternal and Circulates between the Cycles of Birth and Death, just cling to the body and safety. Don’t embrace Reality in Love and Wonder. Don’t Open Up to the Realm of Ragged Ecstacy. Don’t dive deep into the Staggering Wonder. Continue to deny your Actual Condition. Keep pretending that you are not Utterly Free.

That way, all the Snooz on TV will make sense and you will Get What You Paid For, 100%.

Good luck. You’re gonna need it.

With love



Organic Shelter
Sanctuary and Shelter for Heart and Soul

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