The End Of Cash Is Terrifyingly Close – Why Don’t People Care? by Dr. Vernon Coleman

April 28, 2023

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive:

Central bankers, bankers and left wing politicians are all desperately keen to eradicate cash and to force everyone to use digital money – in the form of credit cards, debit cards, crypto-currencies and accounts with organisations such as PayPal. Scores of central banks already have their digital currencies ready – eventually they’ll be moulded into a single global currency known as the Universal Monetary Unit or Unicoin.

I’ve been warning about the end of cash for at least three decades. The conspiratorial authorities have been pushing hard for the introduction of digital currencies since the days before laptops and smart phones.

Today, they’re closing banks as fast as they can (arguing falsely that everyone wants to bank online) and they’re making it difficult to take cash out of your bank. ATM machines are forever ‘empty’ and if you try to take cash out of your account over the counter you could well end up being interrogated like a criminal. (The other day I tried to take some of my money out of my account and was shut in a room and interrogated like a criminal before eventually, and rather begrudgingly, being given an envelope containing the cash I’d asked for.)

And once the digital currencies become the only way to earn, save or spend we will all be slaves. The central banks will be able to control our money. They already plan to limit each individual to between £10,000 and £20,000. Anything more than that will simply disappear. Negative interest rates will discourage savings. Money will have a limited shelf life – just as money in mobile phones can disappear after a few months. And the bankers will decide how you can spend your money.

Everyone, it seems, wants to get rid of cash.

First, companies which accept payment by card have to pay commission to the credit card companies. The commission can sometimes be very high with 5% and 7% commission rates not at all uncommon.

Second, clearing banks don’t like cash because handling it is time consuming and, therefore, expensive. Moving money around simply by pressing numbers on a keyboard is much quicker and cheaper (though, curiously, the length of time required to move money from one account to another seems to have lengthened since such methods became available).

Third, governments and government agencies love to see citizens forced to rely on digital money because it is much easier to keep control of what everyone is earning and spending when all money goes through computers. So, for example, in the UK the tax office (HMRC) easily obtained details of what taxi drivers are doing by looking at the records from companies such as Uber. When drivers apply to renew their licences, HMRC sends out threatening letters suggesting that they may have made an under declaration or no declaration at all.

And, of course, there are all those morons who think that using plastic to pay for everything is clever and modern. They don’t realise that plastic cards and chips under their skin are enslaving them and removing the last vestiges of freedom.

Any business which relies on a financial trail (e.g. one that uses an e-commerce site) can now be easily monitored by all government departments. And, of course, it is much easier for banks or the Government to cut off an individual’s access to their own money if everything is done digitally. And when all money is digital, banks and other financial institutions will be able to charge what they like. Tax authorities will take what they like from your account.

In the new world of digital money, anyone who shares what is labelled ‘hate speech’ or ‘misinformation’ will be banned from having an account. All those old tweets, and the time you gave a `thumbs down’ to the WEF, will be marked against you.

Remember how American citizens who gave money to the Canadian Truckers had their bank accounts frozen? If you’ve ever criticised your government then they will make you pay heavily for your impertinence.

Those individuals who have already lost their PayPal accounts will probably never be allowed to have digital accounts. And without digital accounts they will starve.

It’s already becoming nigh on impossible to buy petrol without a credit card. And the number of car parks where cash is still accepted in shrinking fast.

Banks throughout the world are preparing to close down all free thinkers. If you think I’m exaggerating just check out what has already happened.

It has been made clear (by the Bank of England and other clearing banks) that when cash has been replaced with digital currencies, the banks will control how people spend their money. It will be possible to make broad judgements (for example, no one will be able to buy alcohol) and specific ones (patients with early heart trouble will not be allowed to buy certain foods). It will also be possible for governments, banks and companies to monitor spending habits. So, if there is a shortage of eggs for example, the authorities will be able to make sure that no one buys more eggs than they are allowed.

Removing cash from society will make life incredibly difficult (for which read ‘impossible’) for those who are not computer literate, for beggars and for charities who rely on cash. The quality of our lives will be massively diminished by the disappearance of cash. And, of course, getting rid of cash can be used to track where we go and what we do.

Many local councils are now forcing motorists to use an App available only a smart phone to pay for parking and in those places it is impossible to pay for a parking place with cash. The information which motorists are forced to give can be used in many ways (and will be sold for a variety of purchasers so, for example, thieves will know when householders are away from their homes). Forcing motorists to use a smart phone in order to park a vehicle is clearly discriminatory (since it means that those without a smart phone cannot park) and almost certainly illegal.

And, of course, people tend to over-spend when they use credit or debit cards for everything they buy. Using cash helps keep people out of debt.

It’s vital to remember that they want to get rid of cash for their benefit and not for our benefit. Removing cash will empower the conspirators and remove, for ever, the last vestiges of our independence.

We really are close to the end as far as cash is concerned. According to data provider Merchant Machine, cash is now used in only 1% of payments in the most digitalised economies in the world, now including Sweden, Denmark, Singapore and the UK. Every time anyone uses a credit or debit card, or flashes a contactless payment card for a small purchase they are taking us closer to a digital society and digital enslavement.

The end of cash is now just months away.

And when cash disappears it will take with it the last vestige of our freedom.

To find out more about the future we face, read They Want Your Money and Your Life by Vernon Coleman. It is available via the bookshop on this website.

The title ‘They want your money and your life’ is no exaggeration.

And the end of freedom is just months away – if we are lucky.

Remember: everything I have told you for decades has been absolutely accurate.

Sending tweets and sharing memes may be fun but it isn’t enough. You need to give people articles and books to read. If we’re going to win this war we all have to share truths and knowledge with everyone.


Dr. Vernon Coleman:

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