Rosary Testimonial by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive:

June 18, 2022

How many souls the Rosary has saved!
With it the way to Heaven is surely paved

I was born in 1958 and until 1988 I lived in my native Poland. In 1988 I emigrated to the USA and have lived there since then. The beginning of my daily Rosary devotion started on the 5th of January, 2009, in the church run in Phoenix by the SSPX Fathers, when I – for the first time in 38 years – attended the Mass of All Times, and since that day the Tridentine Mass has been the only one I attend. The priest who said the Mass was Father Burfitt, SSPX, a dedicated priest who helped me significantly in my return to God.

So my daily Rosary started with my coming back to the Tridentine Mass and to Catholic Tradition. It was the time of the Rosary Crusade which Bishop Fellay declared for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and I eagerly took part in it. When the Crusade ended I simply continued my daily Rosary which, thanks to God’s grace, has become my second nature. Besides, studying intensely the situation in the Church, the role of the Second Vatican Council, some of the latest apparitions of Our Lady (La Salette, Fatima, Akita, and more) and especially listening to Her so insistent requests to pray the daily Rosary and to fulfil the First Five Saturdays devotion, I realized that as a Catholic I had to respond.

On 30th June 1877 in Gietrzwald in one of the rare approved Marian apparitions from Poland, the first question Our Lady was asked by Justyna, a girl thirteen years old, was: “What do you want, Holy Mary?” The reply she received was, “I want you to pray the Rosary daily.” In addition, for us Poles, Our Lady has the honorary title of Queen of Poland, She is our Queen! As She has always been! How then can you refuse the request from your Queen? – impossible!

How then did the daily Rosary change my life? Significantly. I would even say “it changed literally everything”: my daily schedule, my way of thinking, my spiritual life. My priorities have changed and my behaviour. Now, the Holy Rosary is an inseparable part of my life and affects it in a way I would never even have guessed beforehand. It gives me inner peace, distance from worldly things. I believe it helps me the better to control my vices and weaknesses. It directs my thoughts, my desires, my interests toward heavenly things, toward our ultimate Catholic goal, which is no less than Heaven. What I notice particularly is that praying the Rosary also gives me strength in our daily spiritual combat with temptations, with all those evil things we are surrounded by in our more and more godless world. I am certain it is Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Graces, who supports me so generously with the graces I need.

There have also been some rather painful changes in my life caused by my returning to the true Mass and to Tradition, including the traditional Holy Rosary. It is the fact that some of my closest Catholic friends and family members did not accept my comeback. Some of them even call me “schismatic.” In the beginning it was quite a surprise to me, but now I am used to it. I still try my best to influence them personally with the Catholic truth, but I rely much more on supernatural means like prayer and sacrifices, hoping that one day they will come back to their senses and return to the Truth.

Three months ago my older son told me that after years of leaving the Church he had returned, and he is now regularly attending the Mass of All Times. What a joy when I heard it!

Keep praying, I tell myself, it is just a matter of time . . . . Queen of the Holy Rosary, Pray for Us!

Kyrie eleison.

This issue deals with Latin Mass, rosary, Traditional, and Tridentine. Find issues dealing with these topics by clicking on the topic word.


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