Putin Has Supporters Of The Left And The Right by Video Rebel

Video Rebel Archive: https://earthnewspaper.com/category/video-rebel

May 9, 2022

Brazil’s presidential election will be on Sunday, October 2nd. Both candidates support Putin more than Zelensky. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was a former union leader and was President from 2003 to 2010. He says Zelensky shares a lot of the blame for starting the war in The Ukraine. The current President Jair Bolsonaro is running for re-election and has made similar remarks. He is a well known supporter of Donald Trump. Bolsonaro is a critic of the covid pandemic in that he opposes quarantines. And like Trump he is a supporter of Israel. Lula recognizes Brazil’s debt to Africa.

Bolsonaro was an army captain who is an apologist the former military junta. In December 2008 Bolsonaro said, “the problem with the junta was that it tortured but did not kill.”

Pepe Escobar is a foreign correspondent and says Ukraine has lost the war. He also said, “General Aleksandr Dvornikov, of Syria fame, has a clear mandate: to conquer the whole of Donbass, totally free up Crimea and prepare the advance towards Odessa and Transnistria while reducing a rump Ukraine to the status of failed state without any access to the sea.”

Transnistria is a Russian speaking break away independent state that separated itself from Romanian speaking Moldova in 1990. Transnistria has recently been the subject of Ukrainian based terrorism.

Pepe Escobar is also a keen observer of the deeper aspects of foreign affairs. He sees a lot more happening under the surface.

After careful evaluation, the Kremlin is rearranging the geopolitical chessboard to end the unipolar hegemony of the “indispensable nation”.

That indispensable nation was the United States.

Enter former President Lula who wants a Latin American currency to replace the dollar. That is revolutionary. He has campaigned in the past for repudiation of Brazil’s external debt though he has soft pedaled that in the current campaign. Lula is leading in the polls.

Brazil is a member of the BRICS nations which are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Brazil is the most powerful nation in Latin America and could create a regional currency for everyone south of the border to use with the help of Russia, China and their combined network of allies.

Putin has spoken of the high handedness of the American regime and its sanctions which permitted it to steal $300 billion in Russian assets totaling up to trillions of dollars seized from a long list of sanction victims. Last year the US seized ships transporting oil from Venezuela. In the past Iraq sold oil for euros and was invaded but only after sanctions had killed 500,000 Iraqi children who needed food and medicine. This one-sided approach has angered many people in the Third World.

Most nations, like most Americans are crushed by debt. They can free themselves from debts to New York, London, Paris and Japanese banks by following Lula who has an ally in Russia’s Sergey Glazyev. He is Minister in Charge of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

What Glazyev wants is a basket of currencies backed by commodities. If a nation exports grains but has no oil, then they can use their grains to back their currency without gold. Other nations have oil but no food. Russia has an abundance of oil, gold and grains.

Lula’s plans to repudiate external debts to the US, Britain, Japan and the EU fits into Glazyev’s desire to cancel debts in dollars, pounds, euros and yen.

Of course this would destroy the US economy and force the US to balance its trade deficit in physical goods which was $109.8 billion in March. I have said before that when the Dollar Dies we can expect a permanent 60% cut in wages which would turn that $20 an hour after taxes job into an $8 an hour nightmare. I also expect Nationwide Food Riots in America.

Putin’s goal is to end US world dominance which gave it the right to print dollars and buy things for free ever since President Nixon closed redemption of dollars in gold on August 15, 1971. The world works very hard making cars, clothes, computers, appliances, electronics, mining for minerals and drilling for oil. And America got it for free. No more free rides for America.

But once the corruption is blown away. The American people will realize that if they want to eat, they can no longer afford to get involved in wars for Israel and Wall Street. Ditto for all NATO countries.

And Americans cannot afford to let Wall Street steal money from government agencies by the tens of trillions. Nor can they let Bankers sell US Treasury bonds and stick the money in their pockets letting taxpayers pay both the principle and interest on what was stolen from them.

American workers, small businessmen and farmers might be better off after the Dollar Dies though the Brazilians voting for Lula in October might see the benefits of these changes sooner than we do in the US.

I mentioned Sergey Glazyev and his plans to destroy the dollar, the pound, the euro and the yen. I wrote about his plans in the following article.
Economic Bloodbath Headed Our Way:

“Anti-Semitism is a disease–you catch it from Jews” ~ Edgar J. Steele. “We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” ~ James P Warburg son of Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate. These are two quotes from Quotes About Jews You Will Never Hear In Schools:

Gilad Atzmon: Political Correctness Is A Totalitarian Jewish Creation:

Dr. E. Michael Jones: Protecting The Goy From Judaism Incorporated:

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since:

Source: https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2022/05/09/putin-has-supporters-of-the-left-and-the-right

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