July 19, 2023
Video Rebel Archive: https://earthnewspaper.com/category/video-rebel
Economists say a Financial Collapse is inevitable. As I previously said, Depressions are periods in time when Unpayable Debts are cancelled en masse which evaporates our debt based money supply. Since we have more debts to cancel than anytime in history, we are headed to the worst financial collapse in at least 500 years which would include both 1923 Weimar Republic and 1933 America. In 1929 there 123 million Americans. Of those between 3 and 7 million Gentiles starved to death. We had poor government record keeping in those days so we do not have an exact figure.
Also of immediate concern is the collapse of commercial real estate. Let me address that problem first as most people seem to run the other way when I talk about all that boring financial stuff of how to avoid a Depression and mass starvation.
I agree that there is a physical problem of what to do with empty office space. I would convert a large open space into small retail units with shop owners offering a hundred different specialties from food (Chinese, Korean, Tex Mex, Italian, Thai, Hindu, BBQ, etc) to retail shops. San Francisco had such a place called the Crystal Palace until a developer tore it down for condos.
I would convert some space into housing and a lot into indoor agriculture. Before Biden blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, Holland used to be the world’s second largest exporter of food. They grew 890,000 pounds (403,679 Kgs) of tomatoes a year on one acre (.4057 hectares.) An obvious market for indoor market gardens would be the retail restaurants on the ground floor and all of the people living in the housing units.
Of course San Francisco and all cities on the US west coast from Los Angeles to Seattle will have earthquakes and volcanoes available in the near future to destroy empty buildings. And in the case of Washington and Oregon, a giant tsunami generated by the Juan de Fuca plate will be coming soon enough
I do not want to be an alarmist but in October of 2024 we will have the same planetary alignment of the 4 gas giants (Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune) as we had in 79 A.D. when Mt Vesuvius destroyed Pompeii.
I would also suggest moving away from the New Madrid fault line which runs from Memphis to St Louis or any other active fault line or potential volcano around the world.
I remember seeing a video of a woman in New Zealand who had a restaurant on the side of a mountain with such a hot magma flow beneath her that she sometimes had to use a towel to open her safe. That woman really needs to move!
All these coming volcanoes will solve the imaginary problem of Global Warming. Web search this: “1816 year without a summer.” All that sulfur dioxide in the upper atmosphere really does cool things down. In 1816 our summer was taken away by one massive volcano in Indonesia. In 1709 three more moderately sized volcanoes combined to create the Big Freeze which froze the top one meter (nearly 40 inches) of the soil in France sending food prices 600% higher for the year. We have 7 billion more people than in 1816 so things will be far worse for those of us who are unprepared
Hint: Might be past time to send unskilled illegal aliens home. What will we feed them?
Growing food indoors might be a really good idea when we get hit by all those volcanoes.
We entered a Grand Solar Minimum in 2020 similar to the Maunder Minimum of 1645 to 1715. The reduction of the Sun’s magnetism means we will be bombarded with more nuclear particles from distant stars which can cause more clouds, more rain, more hail, more snow and also and more earthquakes and volcanoes. Those nuclear particles also activate and energize the earth’s magma and tectonic plates.
While I am at it, I recommend you look up the Carrington Event. An event like that would destroy all electronics killing 90% of the population in modern countries. In April of 2025 the earth will face the Sun with no intervening planets to block incoming solar flares.
Look up Faraday cages. You can buy several for your electronics and even buy car cover Faraday cages for your vehicles.
A second Carrington event would mean even atheists would want everyone on earth to successfully pray that all massive solar flares shoot off into directions away from us.
I am convinced we will have a great population reduction over the next decade. That was the first of two visions I had when I was a child.
But afterwards we will rebuild and have another golden age. Those great times in our past only happen when we have land for all to live in their own homes and sufficient food for all.
I disagree with the premise that a Depression far worse than 1923 Germany or 1933 America is inevitable just because we have so many Unpayable Debts to cancel.
We need Professor Irving Fisher’s 100% money. The US Treasury would issue paper money similar to President Lincoln’s Greenbacks which were non-interest bearing. We would ban fractional reserve banking under which presently a ten dollar deposit allows a banker to loan at a hundred dollars at interest. This would eliminate bank runs. It would eliminate further debt issuance.
It would eliminate a decline in money supply associated with a discharge of debt in bankruptcy court or in foreclosure which is what happens in fractional reserve systems. As with paper money, only the ownership of checking account money changes hands in a bankruptcy situation under 100% money. It does not disappear as it did in America in the 1930s.
In Germany in 1923 debts were cancelled by hyperinflation. That is what would happen in America and in all G-20 countries or at least all non-BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.)
As I mentioned in a previous article, there is a plan to invite the Global South to join a BRICS debt cancellation event. Any nation joining BRICS and willing to do business in their currencies would be allowed to refuse to pay any loans denominated in dollars, pounds, euros and yen. That would trigger a quadrillion dollars in derivatives and destroy us.
The only way to avoid maximum pain would be to organize Debt Cancellation in the West before BRICS does it to us.. But that would require us to arrest the men who stole tens of trillions of dollars from the taxpayers, created the covid mRNA vaxx bioweapon to kill us, tricked us into paying for the war in the Ukraine and took down World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 on 9-11-2001 with controlled demolitions.
Source, also with many links to other articles by Video Rebel:
Video Rebel
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