With some of the arguments one may not agree,
But here is a Catholic spirit, faithful and free.
Summoned by Rome to appear before a Newchurch court on June 28 to answer accusations of “schism,” the heroic defender of the Faith, Archbishop Vigano, chose to reply on the same day by making public an explanation of why he refused the Newchurch summons. A one-sentence-per-paragraph summary of that explanation cannot possibly do justice to the original, but it provides readers with an overview –
Quotation of Galatians I, verses 8–9; Let any innovated Gospel be anathema, i.e. absolutely rejected.
In 1975 Archbishop Lefebvre told his Roman accusers that he should be judging them, not vice versa.
I do not recognise the authority of this Roman court accusing me, because it lacks the Truth.
Not for one moment in my life have I been outside the one Ark of Salvation – the Catholic Church.
The Church’s enemies, led by Freemasonry, hate the power of Catholic Tradition.
It is clear that behind the revolution of Vatican II in the Church has been Freemasonry.
Freemasons have approved of their own 1789 (French Revolution) having taken over the true Church.
How many of the ringleaders of the “Up-dating” of Vatican II were condemned before the Council!
Today’s head of the Italian bishops is saying a Mass for a notorious modernist from the past.
A Professor just said that the “necessary renewal” was being blocked for fear of Protestantism.
An abyss separates the true Church of dogmas from the Newchurch (not Vigano’s term) of apostasy.
Truth has been relativised. If the modernist Sanhedrin accuses me, it is accusing all Catholic Popes.
Church and Newchurch contradict one another. It is the Newchurch that is accusing me of “schism.”
The Newchurch’s “necessary renewal” means, for the true Church, the heretical evolution of dogma.
The Newchurch’s brand-new “faith” is in rupture with the Faith of the true Church of 2,000 years.
But Lefebvre never called in question the Conciliar Popes’ legitimacy? That was 40 years ago!
Today’s Newchurch is professing, unanimously, a multitude of condemned errors.
By thus consigning millions of souls to perdition, the Newchurch has lost its Catholic Authority.
The Newchurch’s “authority” to put me on trial is null and void. I do not accept it.
I myself was one of many high churchmen who did not see what was really going on.
It was as Nuncio in the USA, confronting Cardinal McCarrick, that I at last understood – we have
A concerted global attack, both religious and political, being made on traditional Christian society.
The corruption I was observing is an integral part of this advance of the New World Order.
As Our Lady of La Salette said, “Rome will lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist.”
I cannot be silent in the face of the Church’s demolition, with the damnation of so many souls.
In Canon Law there is no crime of schism when a Pope’s Conclave and election are cast in doubt.
Paul IV decreed that to any “Pope” who was a heretic prior to his election, no obedience is due.
So Bergoglio, by prior heresy and invalid intention at his “election,” has never been Pope.
However, for me to attack Bergoglio in this way by no means proves that I want to be in schism. And
Is not his own preference to be known merely as “Bishop of Rome” a real attack on the Papacy?
Cannot all Conciliar Popes dropping the Tiara for ecumenical reasons be called in doubt as Popes?
If Conciliar ecumenism is nonsense, how can the ecumenical Bergoglio not be a nonsense Pope?
Many bishops and priests cannot bear what he imposes on them by force, blackmail and threats.
We pastors must wake up and react! We will answer before God for all that we go along with.
I denounce my accusers, their “Council” and their “Pope.” Saints Peter and Paul, save the Church!
3As a bishop consecrated to guard the Faith and preach the Word, I am defending the Church, not me.
I cannot be accused of cutting with (=schism) Bergoglio’s Newchurch because I never belonged to it.
A Pope cannot be accused by anybody beneath him? Yes he can, if he never was Pope.
Bergoglio also misused his papal authority to help promote the deadly covid “Vaccines,” a real crime.
He also cut a criminal deal with the Chinese government, betraying the truly faithful Catholics.
As for my being accused of rejecting the errors and deviations of Vatican II, I consider that an honour.
And if Vatican II excuses certain schismatics (see L.G. #13) how can they accuse me of schism?
I condemn also all the multiple heresies of the post-conciliar “Magisterium” and “Synodal Church.”
Dear Catholics, pray, do penance and make sacrifices for Mother Church’s freedom and triumph.
Kyrie eleison.
Source: https://stmarcelinitiative.org/vigano-counter-attacks
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