USS Liberty by Mark R. Elsis

“The USS Liberty was repeatedly attacked while in international waters by Israeli air and naval forces on June 8, 1967. The horrific result of this unprovoked attack by the Jewish state was that 34 Americans were murdered, and 174 were wounded. Then there was a complete cover-up of this premeditated mass murder, and for the first time in our history, there wasn’t any retaliation against Israel for committing this act of war. And people naively still think we aren’t owned by these deadly parasites.”
Mark R. Elsis

USS Liberty Archive

Operation Cyanide, LBJ’s Jewish Handlers, And How USSR Saved The USS Liberty (Audio 57:25)
Deanna Spingola Interviews John Bruce Campbell, Saturday, June 9, 2012.
The Most Diabolical Secret In Washington Is That America Sent The USS Liberty To Be Sunk.

Operation Cyanide (2003) (.pdf)
How The Bombing Of The USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III

The USS Liberty was attacked by unmarked planes and torpedo boats in international waters during the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States. The attack on the surveillance ship lasted 75 minutes — 34 men died and 172 were injured. Initially it was thought that either Egypt or the U.S.S.R. was responsible, but astonishingly Israel, the U.S.’s closest ally, said that the planes and boats belonged to them, and that they mistook the ship for an Egyptian vessel — despite the prominently displayed Stars and Stripes. This hard-hitting investigation shows that on that day in 1967, the world came closer to all-out nuclear war than ever before — this incident made the Cuban Missile Crisis seem tame by comparison. Peter Hounam reveals that the attack was part of a clandestine plan between the US and Israel known as “Operation Cyanide,” designed to ensure victory for Israel in the Middle East. By blaming the attack on the Arab world, retaliation on a grand scale would be justified. A massive cover-up has endured to this day — the attack on the Liberty remains the only maritime incident that has not been investigated by Congress. But many survivors and senior government officials say that the attack was no accident, including Secretary of State at the time, Dean Rusk. Based on interviews with ex-government officers and the examination of official documents, this book answers the following Why did the White House call back rescue planes from helping the Liberty — twice? What was the CIA’s role in this attack? Did LBJ know in advance about the attack? Why did the U.S. government accept Israel’s explanation? This book will shock any reader interested in Middle-East affairs, as it shows that the U.S. was prepared to -sacrifice its men and risk nuclear war to ensure victory for Israel.
by Peter Hounam

USS Liberty: How Israel Cucked The United States (41:05)
by GDFofficial

State Of Israel And Lyndon B. Johnson Deliberately Murdered 34 American Sailors In 1967, Fabricated Massive Cover-Up Still in Effect After 55 Years
Evidence suggests that the Israelis were ordered to attack the ship as part of a false-flag operation aimed at provoking a U.S. invasion of Egypt that was to result in the overthrow of Gamal Abdel Nasser. The Johnson administration then planned to carry out a nuclear first strike with the aim of “clobbering Russia,” and securing unfettered global hegemony. The 1967 attack on the USS Liberty is a tragedy that exposes our supposed ally, the Israeli government, as cynical murderers, and our supposed guardian of American lives, President Lyndon B. Johnson, as its willing and no-less-cynical accomplice. It has been suggested that only sociopaths possess the necessary overweening self-regard—and total lack of regard for everyone else—to rise to the top of a nation, or indeed to the top of any hierarchical social order from chair of the local Parent-Teacher Association to head of a multi-billion-dollar international corporation. No more forceful confirmation of that proposition can be imagined than the shameful betrayal of national and personal trust involved in the planning and execution of the murderous attack on the USS Liberty.
by Jeremy Kuzmarov

Twenty Years Of USS Liberty Reporting
In The Washington Report On Middle East Affairs

ACH (359) 50th Anniversary Of The USS Liberty Attack, With Dave Gahary And Phil Tourney (Audio 1:45:39)
This show was originally broadcast on June 8, 2017. I was joined by Dave Gahary And Phil Tourney to mark the 50th Anniversary Of Israel’s Attack On America, when on June 8, 1967, Israel attacked the USS Liberty. In preparation for this show I read Dave and Phil’s definitive book on the attack which is entitled, “Erasing The Liberty,” in its entirety. During the show I covered 20 pages from 12 sections of the book, then I handed over to both Dave and Phil to offer their comments on each section. Dave is an accomplished freelance journalist. Phil served on the U.S.S. Liberty and miraculously survived the attack in which 34 of his shipmates were killed and 174 were wounded.

by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Justice For Liberty (1:47:10)
On June 8, 1967, Israeli forces tried to sink a U.S. Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing 34 American servicemen and wounding 174. ‘Justice for Liberty’, filmed at the crew’s 54th anniversary reunion in Pensacola, Florida, allows the survivors to tell the American public their stories, some for the first time. It is time for the truth to come out. According to former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer, “In attacking the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against American servicemen and an act of war against the United States…. Those men were then betrayed and left to die by our own government.” The survivors are still awaiting justice. The Liberty crew is one of the most decorated in U.S. Naval history. Yet, for decades this attack has been covered up and misrepresented.

Justice For Liberty

USS Liberty Memorial

Honoring The Crew Of The USS Liberty
The crew of the USS Liberty is the most decorated crew since World War II. It is among the most decorated crews for a single engagement in the entire history of the United States Navy. Yet, the attack has never received a full investigation, as required by law.

The Loss Of Liberty: The Truth About The Attack On The USS Liberty by Tito Howard (52:09)

The Power Of The Jewish Lobby
Israelis killing Americans is okay In Washington
Anyone who has spent any time in Washington and who has been reasonably engaged in watching the fiasco playing out there might agree that the most powerful foreign lobby is that of Israel, backed up as it is by a vast domestic network that exists to protect and nourish the Jewish state. Indeed, it is the domestic element of the lobby that gives it strength, supported as it is by extravagantly well-funded think tanks and a media that is Jewish dominated when it comes to developments in the Middle East. The power of what I prefer to call the Jewish lobby is also manifest down to state and local levels, where efforts to peacefully boycott Israel due to its war crimes and crimes against humanity have been punished and even criminalized in more than thirty states. In several states, including Virginia, special trade arrangements are designed to benefit Israeli companies at the expense of local residents and taxpayers.
by Philip Giraldi

USS Liberty Veterans Association Banned Forever From The American Legion National Convention
“You will not discuss the attack with anyone. Once the Court of Inquiry findings are released you will not contradict them. This order will remain in effect after you are discharged from the Navy. If you violate this order you will be prosecuted and will spend a considerable amount of time in a Federal Prison.” This order was repeated every day at quarters while we were in drydock in Malta. If anyone tells of witnessing the deliberate machine gunning of our life rafts in the water, he runs the risk of doing time in a Federal prison. If anyone tells of witnessing the use of unmarked aircraft or of the jamming of our radios on both US Navy tactical and international maritime distress frequencies, he runs the risk of doing time in a Federal prison. We cannot talk about this among ourselves. We cannot talk about this with our family. We cannot talk about this with any counselor. We cannot talk about this at a meeting of any veterans group we may become involved with. We cannot talk about this with our Congressional Delegation. We cannot talk about this at The American Legion National Convention. We cannot talk about this with anyone. If we do, we risk Federal prison. But we defy the Federal Government and speak about the attack anywhere we can. But now we cannot talk about it at The American Legion National Convention.
by Joe Meadors | USS Liberty Veterans Association | August 22, 2019

Declaration Of Ward Boston, Jr., Captain, JAGC, USN (Ret.)
Counsel to the U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry’s investigation into the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty
I, Ward Boston, Jr. do declare that the following statement is true and complete: For more than 30 years, I have remained silent on the topic of USS Liberty. I am a military man and when orders come in from the Secretary of Defense and President of the United States, I follow them. However, recent attempts to rewrite history compel me to share the truth. In June of 1967, while serving as a Captain in the Judge Advocate General Corps, Department of the Navy, I was assigned as senior legal counsel for the Navy’s Court of Inquiry into the brutal attack on USS Liberty, which had occurred on June 8th. The late Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, president of the Court, and I were given only one week to gather evidence for the Navy’s official investigation into the attack, despite the fact that we both had estimated that a proper Court of Inquiry into an attack of this magnitude would take at least six months to conduct.
by Ward Boston, Jr.

Survivors Of Israel’s Strike On USS Liberty Commemorate 55th Year
Survivors and of the brutal Israeli military attack against the American communications vessel U.S.S. Liberty will gather at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. on June 8 to commemorate the memories of 34 Americans who were killed and host a 55 year reunion at the Holiday Inn Arlington, Virginia on June 6-9. While patrolling in international waters in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was savagely attacked without warning or justification by air and naval forces of the State of Israel. Of a crew of 294 officers and men, including three civilians, 34 crew members were killed in action and 173 were wounded. Survivors of the attack insist that the attack was unjustified and that the Israelis knew the ship was American, but the attack has been covered up and the survivors have been abandoned by the U.S. Military which has sought to brush the tragedy out of history. Survivor Joe Meadors said the Israeli attack was unprovoked and that the Liberty was clearly identified as an American vessel flying the American flag. He said the U.S. response was to abandon the American soldiers during the attack and to disparage survivors and their claims rather than stand with them. “In 1967, LBJ ordered the USS Liberty to be abandoned by Sixth Fleet aircraft while we were still under attack and calling for help. That order cost the lives of 25 of our shipmates,” Meadors said.
by USS Liberty Veterans Association

USS Liberty: Cover Up
by James Bamford

Deanna Spingola Interviews Phillip Tourney, Survivor Of The USS Liberty (Audio 2:00:44)
June 8, 2014. Deanna’s guest today was Phillip Tourney, a survivor from the USS Liberty and author of What I Saw That Day Israel’s June 8, 1967, Holocaust of US Servicemen Aboard the USS Liberty and its Aftermath.

Remember The USS Liberty (3:45)
by David Neal and David Martin

Remembering The 56th Anniversary Of USS Liberty And Honoring The Survivors (4:25)
Today, June 8th, marks the 56th anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. On this day in 1967, Israeli forces launched an unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty, killing 34 American sailors and injuring 174 others.
by TruNews

Remember The Liberty
by James Perloff

Dave Gahary Subs For Deanna Spingola (Audio 2:32:07)
He talks about the attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967; their film Erasing the Liberty

Erasing The Liberty (Book)

Erasing The Liberty (Film)

Grave Consequences: Operation Cyanide And Poisonous Secret Of The Attack On The USS Liberty (19:59)
by Iona Miller and Charles Stone

The USS Liberty Timeline
by Americans for Middle East Understanding

Operation Cyanide
The Attack On USS Liberty Was A Failed Provocateur Action And Pretext For US Invasion Of Egypt For Israel
Just finished reading Peter Hounam’s Operation Cyanide, which I got from Amazon for about four dollars. What a great book, much tougher than the watered-down BBC program, Dead in the Water. The operation was a US/Israeli plot for a pretext for the US to invade Egypt, after nuking Cairo. The A-4 Skyhawks got within three minutes of dropping their nukes on Cairo when they were stopped. They couldn’t go back to the America and land with nuclear weapons on board and had to find an airport to land. The bombing was called off when the Liberty got the jury-rigged antenna and radio going and transmitted an SOS. The whole operation depended on radio silence from the Liberty based on all antennae being destroyed in the first pass. The insane Americans wanted to start WWIII and nuke Russia, the overall goal of Cyanide. The nuclear sub, Andrew Jackson, was under the Liberty for the last half of its trip across the Med to Sinai and it was nearby during the attack. (Walt Rostow recommended to LBJ that the ship be sunk on the way to Malta after the attack.) Cyanide is the biggest, dirtiest secret in DC, right behind Pearl Harbor. People are still afraid to talk about it.

Operation Cyanide: How the Bombing Of The USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War Three (Book)
The USS Liberty was attacked by unmarked planes and torpedo boats in international waters during the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States. The attack on the surveillance ship lasted 75 minutes — 34 men died and 172 were injured. Initially it was thought that either Egypt or the U.S.S.R. was responsible, but astonishingly Israel, the U.S.’s closest ally, said that the planes and boats belonged to them, and that they mistook the ship for an Egyptian vessel — despite the prominently displayed Stars and Stripes.
by Peter Hounam

USS Liberty Dead In The Water by Christopher Mitchell (1:08:31)

What I Saw That Day (Book)
Israel’s June 8, 1967, Holocaust of Us Servicemen Aboard the USS Liberty and its Aftermath
An eyewitness report by Phillip Tourney, a US Navy officer, of Israel’s attack on his ship, the USS Liberty, and his views on the actions by the US government that followed.
by Phillip Tourney

Israel’s ‘Knife In The Back’ Attack Against America
by Phillip Tourney

Remember The Liberty!
Most Americans have never heard of the Israeli, Ephraim “Eppie” Evron. A half century ago, in May of 1967, he was deputy chief of mission in the Israeli embassy in Washington and in that ostensible capacity had a meeting with President Lyndon Johnson in the Oval Office on May 26. From all indications, as we learn from Phillip Nelson in Remember the Liberty!: Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas, Evron was likely the real power in the embassy as the top Mossad official there. An even more interesting thing about Evron was that he was “one of the main conspirators” in the infamous Lavon Affair, a failed plot in 1954 by Israel to bomb U.S. and British facilities in Egypt and pin it on Arab extremists. (In 2005 the Israeli government outrageously honored nine of its agents involved in that episode.) Thanks to America’s Israel-first press, the appalling, treacherous Lavon Affair is no doubt as little known to Americans as is Eppie Evron.
by David Martin

Remembering The U.S.S. Liberty
The Power Of The Israel Lobby
by Philip Giraldi

Israel’s War Crimes Have Killed Americans:
Remembering Israel’s Attack On The U.S.S. Liberty.
by Philip Giraldi

The Day Israel Attacked America by Al Jazeera (48:59)

The Day Israel Attacked America
Al Jazeera Investigates The Shocking Truth Behind A Deadly Israeli Attack On A US Naval Vessel.

Leaving The USS Liberty Crew Behind
Justifying The Swap Of Taliban Prisoners For Sgt. Bergdahl, President Obama Cited A Principle Of Never Leaving U.S. Soldiers Behind,
But That Rule Was Violated In The Shabby Treatment Of The USS Liberty Crew, Attacked 47 Years Ago By Israeli Warplanes
by Ray McGovern

Aid And Comfort To The Enemy
American Legion Honchos Betray Liberty Veterans
by Alison Weir

Ernie Gallo: The U.S.S. Liberty: What Really Happened? (17:10)

50 Years Later: Will The Crew Of The USS Liberty Ever Receive Justice?
by Ernest A. Gallo

‘The USS Liberty’: America’s Most Shameful Secret
by Eric S. Margolis

Evidence Conclusive: The 1967 False Flag Attack On The USS Liberty By Israel And U.S. Aimed At Egypt
The USS Liberty: A Failed Israeli False Flag Attack Against the United States – Israel Murdered U.S. Sailors and Tried to Sink Their Ship
by The Millennium Report

Israel’s Attack On The USS Liberty: A Half-Century Later, Still No Justice
by Jeffrey St. Clair

Israel’s Deadly Attack On USS Liberty Emerges From The Past by RT (5:12)

Blood In The Water: How The US And Israel Conspired To Ambush The USS Liberty (Book)
How The US And Israel Conspired To Ambush The USS Liberty
In this startling work, an eminent author presents evidence of collusion between US and Israeli intelligence in the murderous 1967 attack against the USS Liberty, a US naval surveillance vessel, and in maintaining a cover-up that has endured for more than 50 years. So intense and sustained was the attack – it lasted for nearly an hour and a half – and so specific was the aiming for the antennae and satellite dish on deck, that it was scarcely credible that Israel’s aggression was not deliberate. Based on interviews with more than 40 survivors, knowledgeable political insiders, and Soviet archives of the period, investigative writer Joan Mellen presents disturbing evidence of complicity between US and Israeli intelligence in the attack, and in maintaining the decades-old cover-up.

by Joan Mellen

Peter Hounam’s Video Message for USS Liberty Veterans
Liberty Reunion – Pensacola, June 4, 2021
A warm welcome from Scotland to all my Liberty friends. I am truly sorry not to be with you in person, but the pandemic has made it logistically difficult. In these peculiar circumstances I am grateful and honoured to be talking to you about the dreadful attack that happened on your ship. Sometimes I pinch myself, thinking how does it come about that a British journalist like me, based in Bonnie Scotland, is talking I hope knowledgeable about something your government and media should have dealt with decades long ago?

Attack On The USS Liberty

Aid And Comfort To The Enemy
American Legion Honchos Betray Liberty Veterans
by Alison Weir

Bob Scarborough, USS Liberty Hero, RIP (Text and Videos)
Bob Scarborough was a courageous and committed survivor of Israel’s June 8,1967 attempt to sink his ship. This ruthless, criminal attack on a U.S. Navy ship killed 34 of his shipmates and injured Scarborough and 173 additional members of the crew. Scarborough was a key member of the USS Liberty Veterans Association, and was part of the effort to overcome the long coverup that has been perpetrated by Israel, the U.S. government, and the media. In 2021 Scarborough described his traumatic experience in an interview for the If Americans Knew documentary of crew members’ testimonies, Justice for Liberty.
by Alison Weir

Israel Attacked The USS Liberty In 1967; When Will Washington Put Its Special Relationship Aside?
Fifty-five years ago this month, Israel declared war on the United States of America. Unofficially and not in so many words, of course, but what else can it be called when Israeli armed forces launched a two hour sustained attack on a clearly marked US Navy ship in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Six Day War?
The USS Liberty was attacked by Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats off the coastline of northern Sinai and the Egyptian-controlled Gaza Strip, in international waters. According to the surviving crew members, it was easily identifiable as an American ship and, as an intelligence-gathering vessel, it was only lightly armed. It was on station to monitor events in the region, particularly in and around Egypt and Syria which were the front lines of the war.
The Israeli attack killed 34 US sailors, and wounded 171. As the casualties mounted, Israel blocked the ship’s distress signals. When communications were eventually possible, US Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara ordered twelve fighter jets and four tanker aircraft to abort their mission to defend the Liberty and return to their aircraft carrier.
by Muhammad Hussein

USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America
In corporate America, hostile takeovers are commonplace. They occur when an aggressor—a larger corporation or rich individuals—seizes control of a smaller corporation without asking permission. What few recognize is that the United States itself has been subjected to a hostile takeover. Since the aggressor, the illegitimate settler colony known as “Israel,” is much smaller than the US, the takeover has necessarily been surreptitious. As of June, 2024, Israel’s gradual takeover of the US has become obvious and undeniable—a proverbial “elephant in the living room.” In this election year, all three major presidential candidates compete for Israel’s favor, even as the whole world recoils from the zionist genocide of Gaza. The Democratic incumbent, Joe Biden, supplies the butcher Netanyahu with all the weapons he needs to massacre tens of thousands of Palestinian women and children, uttering only occasional peeps of pro forma protest in a lame attempt to mollify his base.
by Kevin Barrett

USS Liberty Survivors Reunite And Call For A Congressional Investigation Into The Deadly Attack On Their Ship
“If the truth about the attack on the USS Liberty isn’t told to the American public, our Republic will fall. When your own government sets you up to be murdered, this speaks to the influence the Zionist state of Israel has with our politicians. Not one president from LBJ to Biden has lifted a finger nor has the Congress.” – Phil Tourney, USS Liberty attack survivor. Now is the best time for Americans to demand an open and honest congressional investigation of the June 8, 1967 unprovoked and deliberate attack on the USS Liberty by the Israeli military. The brutal assault that killed 34 American sailors and wounded 171 of their shipmates was then covered up by Commander-in-Chief President Lyndon B. Johnson, military leadership, and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.
by Ginny Garner

Quotes By Contemporary Experts On The USS Liberty
A number of Johnson administration, military, and intelligence community officials – all of whom had access to classified materials regarding the attack – have commented on the conclusions they reached concerning the attack.

Jim Morrison And His Father Rear Admiral G.S. Morrison, And The USS Liberty Attack

Was Jim Morrison Murdered Because His Father Proposed Attacking Israel?
The editors of Wikipedia have once again edited the article on Admiral Morrison. Among the changes is their removal of information that shows his anger over the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, during which Israeli fighter jets and torpedo boats spent more than an hour killing 34 sailors and wounding 171, while the American military was ordered to stand by and ignore it. For example, they removed the remark about his proposal for an “immediate and swift economic and military response against Israel for the attack.” Wikipedia does not want people to consider the possible connection between Admiral Morrison’s anger towards Israel for their attack on the USS Liberty, and the mysterious death of his son a few years later. Also, the Wikipedia article does not mention that Admiral Morrison was the Naval officer who personally launched American fighter jets from the USS America to engage the Israeli jets that were attacking the USS Liberty, and that a short time later that order was countermanded by Chief of US Naval Forces in Europe, Admiral John S. McCain Jr. They are censoring many important details about Admiral Morrison’s involvement with the attack on the USS Liberty. Rear Admiral G.S. Morrison, father of Jim Morrison, was head of a Naval Task Force closest to the USS Liberty. He immediately scrambled fighter jets from the USS America, which was only 15 minutes away, to engage the Israeli jets that were attacking the USS Liberty. The order was then countermanded by Chief of US Naval Forces in Europe, Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., who was the father of US Senator John S. McCain, III. Rear Admiral Morrison was the youngest person to reach such a position in the Navy, but he was never given another promotion after the USS Liberty incident. Many people believe that his Naval career effectively ended at that time because he wanted to protect the USS Liberty, attack Israel, and set up an embargo of Israel.
by Eric Hufschmid

Was Jim Morrison Assassinated In Revenge For Rear Admiral G.S. Morrison Order To Bomb Israel? (7:50)

The USS Liberty Attack On June 8, 1967
The cover-up was immediate and extensive – going all the way to the Johnson White House. Israel eventually paid 13 million USD in indemnities to the US Federal Government, the 174 wounded survivors of the attack, and the family members of the 34 men killed. Which means they simply returned some of America’s tax dollars. Interestingly, the rear admiral commanding the nearest US Navy carrier task force ordered American fighter planes, which were only fifteen minutes away, to fly to the defense of the Liberty; however, his order was countermanded by the commander of US Naval forces in Europe. The carrier admiral was George S. Morrison – the father of rock legend Jim Morrison. The admiral who countermanded the order was John S. McCain Jr. – the father of the 2008 Republican US Presidential candidate, John McCain III. Rear Admiral Morrison fiercely opposed the official report – which exonerated Israel of any wrongdoing; and, though he was at the time of the incident the youngest admiral in the US Navy, he never rose to higher rank.
by Silurian

The Strange Death Of Jim Morrison
The official story is that Jim Morrison died at the age of 27 years old in the early morning hours of July 3, 1971, in his bathtub at his apartment in Paris where he was staying with his girlfriend Pamela Courson. The Doors’ manager, Bill Siddons, flew in from L.A. but did not see his body. Why not? The only people who apparently did were a few emergency medical personnel and Dr. Max Vassile, who is now deceased. He never gave any interviews only saying that Morrison died of “natural causes” specifically of heart failure which is why there was no autopsy. In this Daily Mail article, things have changed quite a bit. Supposedly, Jim Morrison died in the bathroom of a Paris night club and that a singer, Marianne Faithfull, was sworn to secrecy not to talk about the events that lead to his overdosing of heroin that he bought from dealers for his girlfriend, Pamela Courson. Jim Morrison never did heroin in the U.S.A. and he had an intense hatred for the drug and needles as well. What did Marianne Faithful see exactly?
by Eric Hufschmid

Jim Morrison’s Father Rear Admiral Morrison Was Told Jim ‘Died In A Paris Hospital’ Not In Apartment (0:43)

Jim And George Morrison And The USS Liberty
His father, George Stephen Morrison, was a navy admiral. He opposed the actions USA took after Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967. Where 34 US navy men were killed and 171 wounded. He was outspoken and wanted to see a swift military and economic reaction or sanction against Israel for that unprovoked attack. The admiral that stopped the orders of George Morrison to retaliate was admiral John S McCain, father of John McCain. Of course, US politics being as they are, George Morrison would never rise in the ranks again. Jim’s father wasn’t apparently a zionist and wanted to respond to the attack. A kind of natural patriotic instinct indeed. Something which the USA does all the time, you can’t even slap an American in the face without getting bombed. George Morrison actually held a speech at the decommissioning of his ship USS Bon Homme Richard on the 2nd of July – almost at the same time as his son would die in Paris. Even though Jim died on the 3rd of July it was early in the morning – so you can say both incidents happened within 12 hours.
by Sanjin Dumisic

The Loss Of Liberty

Why Did the U.S. Allow Israel To Attack Its Largest Spyship Killing 34 Americans and Wounding Over 170 Others? The USS Liberty was an electronic intelligence-gathering ship that was cruising international waters off the Egyptian coast on June 8, 1967. Israeli planes and torpedo boats opened fire on the Liberty in the midst of what became known as the Israeli-Arab Six-Day War. 34 Americans were killed and more than 170 were wounded in the attack. Israel and its supporters have long maintained that the attack was a “tragic case of misidentification,” an explanation that Lyndon Johnson’s administration did not formally challenge. Israel claimed its forces thought the ship was an Egyptian vessel and apologized to the United States.

After the attack, a Navy court of inquiry concluded there was insufficient information to make a judgment about why Israel attacked the ship, stopping short of assigning blame or determining whether it was an accident. A former top Navy attorney publicly said for the first time that President Lyndon Johnson and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara ordered the U.S. military investigation to conclude that the Israeli attack was an accident. The attorney, retired Captain Ward Boston, said the White House ordered investigators to “conclude that the attack was a case of ‘mistaken identity’ despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.” Boston was the senior legal counsel to the Navy’s 1967 review of the attack. He said he was prompted to come forward following the publication of the recent book “The Liberty Incident” which concluded the attack was an accident.

Admiral Thomas Moorer, retired four-star admiral who served as chief of Naval Operations and as a chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is the only American admiral to command both the Atlantic and Pacific fleets and chief of naval operations for two terms and chairman of the joint chiefs for two terms. He led a year-long independent commission investigating the bombing of the USS Liberty and is now calling for a full Congressional investigation.

“The Loss of Liberty”, excerpts from the independent documentary about the Liberty attack produced by Howard Films, written and directed by Tito Howard.

“The ship was clearly identified, not only by its unique configuration but by a very large U.S. flag that was flown at the time. The weather was calm and the visibility was excellent. During this unprovoked attack 34 U.S. Navy men were killed and 171 wounded. Nevertheless, to this day the American public does not know why the attack took place and who was involved overall. “In my opinion, the United States government and the Israeli government must share responsibility for this cover-up. I cannot accept the claim by the Israelis that this was a case of mistaken identity. I have flown for years in both peace and war on surveillance flights over the ocean, and my opinion is supported by a full career of locating and identifying ships at sea. Based on the way this tragedy was handled both in the United States and in Israel, one must conclude that there is much information that has not been made available to the public. “The U.S. Fleet, positioned nearby, received a distress call from the USS Liberty, and one carrier dispatched a squadron to go to the defense of the disabled ship. Before the aircraft reached the Liberty, they received orders from Washington directing their return to their ship. Who issued those orders? So far, no one knows. In the United States all information available to the U.S. government indicating those who participated in controlling this operation from Washington, together with the exact text of orders transmitted to the Mediterranean Fleet, has never been made public.”
Thomas H. Moorer, Admiral, US Navy (Retired)


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Love Is The Answer
Mark R. Elsis

2 Replies to “USS Liberty by Mark R. Elsis

  1. And do you know why there was no retaliation? Because they who attacked our Navy, our country, own our country which they have stolen from us by stealth, deception, lies, theft, and force. Everyone of these evil parasites, who we fought 2 World War’s so they could have their very own country, now even own our very government. They have been fast changing laws and making new laws that violate all Americans God given Freedoms and Constitutional Rights. Soon our beautiful Construction will disappear completely because they cannot have their NWO unless it is completely destroyed.

  2. All of you people, who never had the clearance, and were never briefed, and ALL of those, who have written about this event…have no clue as to what actually took place, nor why it took place. That information is TSCW and will remain so. If you knew what actually happened, most of your comments, and opinions you currently hold, would suddenly seem terribly ignorant, or naive, to you.

    There are three levels of classified information about this event, and many similar events. 1) What you were told took place. 2) What we told the Congress took place. & 3) What actually took place and why it did.

    There are no checks and balances placed upon the Intelligence Community, not even budgetary constraints or material constraints, or any kind. Remember, knowledge is power…and WE decide what you are told, and whether you are told a fantasy…or the facts…no matter who you may be…or what your job title is.

    You people simply have no idea…and must wallow in your assumptions and ignorance, with absolutely no hope of ever discovering the information contained in #3 above. And, this is a good thing.

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