“For me, Claramae Turner had one of the most beautiful female voices ever. She was an operatic contralto.”Mark R. Elsis Claramae Turner (22 Videos) Playlist Mark R. Elsis (To view full screen click the link below.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL9SLRU38-i-ZPHV4HtNFMNUEq4b2YkyJb&v=zbrWw8tbl0sClaramae Turner While American contralto Claramae Turner may be best know from her performance in the Rodgers and Hammerstein […]
Day: February 23, 2025
Jean Charles de Menezes (21 Videos) Playlist Mark R. Elsis
The Assassination of Jean Charles de Menezes. On July 22, 2005, Brazilian national Jean Charles de Menezes was assassinated by British Intelligence. He was followed from his house to the Stockwell station and then onto a train by his assassins. Eyewitnesses state that he was never warned, the assassins just grabbed Jean Charles, threw him […]
Bobby Sands (23 Videos) Playlist Mark R. Elsis
“They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn’t want to be broken” Bobby Sands MP Bobby Sands (23 Videos) Playlist Mark R. Elsishttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9SLRU38-i-Y8dAiYMMJzusv__5iSVUAq Bobby Sands Trust https://www.bobbysandstrust.com Bobby Sands Died May 5, 1981 The revolutionary spirit of freedom https://www.bobbysandstrust.com/hungerstrikers/bobby-sands Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To […]
Janis Joplin (24 Videos) Playlist Mark R. Elsis
Janis Joplin https://JanisJoplin.com
Human Experimentation Playlist Mark R. Elsis
Human Experimentation (20 Videos) Asch Conformity Experiment (1951) Milgram Experiment (1962) Stanford Prison Experiment (1971) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9SLRU38-i-ZiW8lTSKOKRx6xGOeBpVyC Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free EarthNewspaper.com 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month https://EarthNewspaper.com/Donate Subscribe To The EarthNewspaper.com Daily Newsletter https://EarthNewspaper.com/Subscribe
Pistol Pete Maravich (25 Videos) Playlist Mark R. Elsis
Pistol Pete Maravich – The Greatest College Basketball Player Ever “Pistol Pete” Maravich was one of my two my basketball idols when I was growing up. Thank you Pete for giving me the inspiration to become a great basketball player when I was young. My other basketball idol was Walt “Clyde” Frazier. The night Pete […]
Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James) (25 Videos) Playlist Mark R. Elsis
Camino de Santiago The Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James) is a large network of ancient pilgrim routes stretching across Europe and coming together at the tomb of St. James (Santiago in Spanish) in Santiago de Compostela in north-west Spain. http://santiago-compostela.net
Philippe Petit (27 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
August 7, 1974 – Philippe Petit is a French high-wire artist who gained fame for his high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, on the morning of August 7, 1974 as well as his high wire walk between the towers of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, 1971. […]
Marvin Gaye (24 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Marvin Gaye https://classic.motown.com/artist/marvin-gaye
Thich Nhat Hanh (23 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
“We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the Earth. Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” Thich Nhat Hanh https://plumvillage.org/about/thich-nhat-hanh
Philo Farnsworth (27 Videos) Playlist Mark R. Elsis
Philo Farnsworth, Inventor of TV, Screwed by David Sarnoff, CEO of RCA https://willblogforfood.typepad.com/will_blog_for_food/2007/12/philo-t-farnswo.html Philo Farnsworth, RCA, And The Battle For Television by Dan Maloney https://hackaday.com/2018/07/03/philo-farnsworth-rca-and-the-battle-for-television
The Beach Boys (27 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
The Beach Boys https://www.thebeachboys.com Brian Wilson, who I gave https://BrianWilson.com, is a musical genius. Mike Love, who I sold https://MikeLove.com, is a great singer.
John Anthony West (28 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Rest In Peace John Anthony West 9/7/1932- 2/6/2018 http://www.jawest.net Magical Egypt by Chance Gardner based on the research of John Anthony West http://www.magicalegypt.com
Charles Augustus Lindbergh (24 Videos) Playlist Mark R. Elsis
Charles Augustus Lindbergh http://www.charleslindbergh.com
Eva Cassidy (30 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Eva Cassidy (30 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis (To view full screen click the link below.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL9SLRU38-i-bi7KW6ewXOB10LvZzTpST9&v=oSKM0YiU8LU “I really like to create the sound of a choir the most. If you could see what the sound of it looks like when I shut my eyes and listen, you’d see the sound as angels spanning […]
Natalie Merchant (32 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Natalie Merchant https://www.nataliemerchant.com
Malcolm X (26 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
A Violent Insane Asylum by Mark R. Elsis https://GoogleCensorship.com
David Ferrer (29 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
David Ferrer Should be inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame by Mark R. Elsis https://earthnewspaper.com/davidferrer
Jackson Browne (35 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Jackson Browne https://www.jacksonbrowne.com
Elvis Presley (42 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Graceland The Home Of Elvis Presely https://www.graceland.com
Howard Hughes (39 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Howard Hughes https://www.howardhughes.com/our-company Howard Hughes Biography https://www.notablebiographies.com/Ho-Jo/Hughes-Howard.html
Harry Chapin (45 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Harry Chapin https://harrychapinmusic.com If You Find EarthNewspaper.com Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, independent and reliable sources, on a completely ad-free website. There are four ways you may donate: credit card, […]
Jim Morrison and The Doors (50 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Jim Morrison and The Doors https://thedoors.com
Van Morrison (55 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Van Morrison https://www.vanmorrison.com
John Denver (58 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
John Denver (58 Videos)Playlist by Mark R. Elsishttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9SLRU38-i-a9vPLOgEqwtaM7PpSrrkG4 John Denver Love Is Why I Came Here In The First Place by Mark R. Elsis https://EarthNewspaper.com/JohnDenver John Denver https://JohnDenver.com Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free EarthNewspaper.com1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Monthhttps://EarthNewspaper.com/Donate Subscribe To The EarthNewspaper.com Daily Newsletterhttps://EarthNewspaper.com/Subscribe
Bob Marley (56 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Bob Marley https://www.bobmarley.com
Graham Parker (64 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Graham Parker Should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by Mark R. Elsis https://GrahamParker.com Graham Parker https://GrahamParker.net
Frank Sinatra (60 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Frank Sinatra http://www.sinatra.com
Cat Stevens (63 Videos) Playlist Mark R. Elsis
Cat Stevens https://catstevens.com
Rafael Nadal (65 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Rafael Nadal http://RafaelNadal.com Rafael Nadal The Greatest Tennis Player Ever http://RafaelNadal.net
Robert Francis Kennedy (80 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
The Day The United States Died (423 Pages with 1,283 Hotlinks) Thursday, June 6, 1968 by Mark R. Elsis https://EarthNewspaper.com/TheDayTheUnitedStatesDied A Violent Insane Asylum (53 Pages) by Mark R. Elsis https://GoogleCensorship.com From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest […]
Linda Ronstadt (89 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Linda Ronstadt https://www.lindaronstadt.com
George Carlin (98 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
George Carlin https://georgecarlin.com
The Rolling Stones (103 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
The Rolling Stones (103 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADtnUC_ctNk&list=PL9SLRU38-i-bVwOObLxH7GkYcHCDWBZby The Rolling Stones https://rollingstones.com Donate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, independent and reliable sources, […]
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (119 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart http://www.mozart.com
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Films (13 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Timeline (423 Pages with 1,283 Hotlinks) The Most Comprehensive Timeline On John Fitzgerald Kennedy by Mark R. Elsis https://November221963.com A Violent Insane Asylum (53 Pages)by Mark R. Elsis https://GoogleCensorship.com From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I […]
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Speeches, News Conferences and More (135 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Timeline (423 Pages with 1,283 Hotlinks) The Most Comprehensive Timeline On John Fitzgerald Kennedy by Mark R. Elsis https://November221963.com A Violent Insane Asylum (53 Pages)by Mark R. Elsis https://GoogleCensorship.com From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I […]
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Assassination Films (281 Videos) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Timeline (423 Pages with 1,283 Hotlinks) The Most Comprehensive Timeline On John Fitzgerald Kennedy by Mark R. Elsis https://November221963.com A Violent Insane Asylum (53 Pages)by Mark R. Elsis https://GoogleCensorship.com From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I […]