$1.68 An Hour, $862,000 Homes. LA Is America’s Future by Video Rebel

April 24, 2023

Video Rebel Archive: https://earthnewspaper.com/category/video-rebel

Latina illegal aliens are working for as little as $1.68 an hour in clothing sweat shops in Los Angeles according to Zero Hedge . A real estate agency said home prices have dropped to an average of $862,000 in Los Angeles county though Black people and illegal aliens in Watts can buy homes for as little as $549,000.

The average rent in the US has increased 8.85% per year since 1980 so today the average renter pays 45% of their income for shelter. It used to be 25%. The average rent for the 50 largest cities for a 2 bedroom apartment is $1,879. All of this rent gouging might be due to the increase of America’s population from 180 million in 1960 to 223 million in 1980 to 336 million today, all thanks to legal and illegal immigration with a major assist from US welfare laws.

That is America’s future according to liberalism. The Biden administration allowed 6.1 million illegal aliens into the US so far. There are other implications: Drug cartels seem to have infiltrated our electoral process and have stolen elections in Arizona and likely elsewhere. Unaccompanied children have been accepted as immigrants and assigned custody in some cases to drug cartel pimps. Some of these children are as young as six.

Years ago the FBI used to publish updates on the status of gangs whether they be in prison, outlaw motorcycle gangs or drug gangs. The latest report was from 2015 and published in February 2016. Seems the modern FBI and DOJ do not want the public to fret about increases in gang activity since 2015 and the return of Open Borders. Fentanyl laced with xylazine would seem to be a problem for every state government in the US but not so for Mexican and Central American (MS-13) drug cartels and the liberals in the US Congress, the Senate and the Biden admin.

Liberals seem to like the increase in human trafficking of children and the increase in drug related crime.

Years ago I had read of native born women trafficked in the US. One third of these women were raped by the time they were 3 years-old. These girls were born into what is called the foster care system. Long before Ron DeSantis was governor of Florida, an audit of Child Protective Services (CPS) discovered that more than 1,000 Black girls had disappeared. Many of them were grabbed by pimps. Hopefully, some just ran away from abusive foster parents and managed to survive despite the courts, the police, the pimps and the CPS.

At one point around WW I, the Black illegitimacy rate was lower than that of Whites. In 1936 WPA’s (Works Progress Administration) hired writers to go into 17 US states and to tell the stories of elderly Blacks who had been born into slavery. They revealed that even under slavery Blacks were able to form families at a far higher rate than today. Black family formation from 1920 to 1960 was far higher than today. Why?

I once said that liberals believe that no Black man should be head of household for a Black family. To a liberal the ideal head of household for a Black family is a White female social worker.

We are on the 5th generation of Black welfare babies. Seems liberals despise all families not just for Blacks. Liberalism is allowing men in dresses to win sports competitions against girls. And they are exposing children of all races to pornography in the public schools.

The crime rate has spiked in major cities with the rise of No Cash bail which allows violent criminals out on our streets. A Black man who had been arrested for kidnapping and bludgeoning his girl friend with a sledge hammer was allowed out on bail. Some neighbor children were playing with a ball and a 6 year-old girl chased the ball into his yard. He began firing a 9mm pistol, grazing her, wounding her mother and seriously wounding her father.

The system of liberal justice combined with unlimited legal and illegal immigration seems to be designed to make life unlivable in America, Europe, the UK, Canada and Australia and New Zealand. In the UK White girls are routinely raped by Muslim gangs with no consequences.

It would appear that our lives are being made miserable by design so we will gladly accept the alternative of a One World government where all decisions are made by Bankers, their Foundations, their politicians and their Corporate Media.

As I have said before, the Dollar should collapse before the November 2024 elections, causing the first wave of hyperinflation and Nationwide Food Riots.

I should repeat Sergey Glazyev’s plan as explained by Pepe Escobar. Glazyev is Macroeconomics and Integration Minister at the Eurasian Union. He wants the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) to offer Debt Cancellation to the Global South. The idea is that let the Global South refuse to repay all loans denominated in dollars, pounds, euros and yen. This will trigger a quadrillion dollars in derivatives.

The point is that the Bankers know what Pepe Escobar has written of the BRICS challenge. Their plan to hang onto power is to kill so many of us that it will easier for them to control us after 7 billion commoners die.

They made covid in a lab and enhanced it in Wuhan China. They made mRNA vaxxes that are deadly and do great harm to our immune system. Zuckerberg is out injecting mRNA vaxxes into wild deer so rural folk cannot hunt for dinner. Soon the FDA will be injecting mRNA vaxxes into cattle. Bill Gates paid $12.5 million to Dr Yoshihiro Kawaoka for crossing bird flu with Spanish flu and then making this lethal combo more contagious by splicing into it two influenza viruses.

Also thanks to the Gates Foundation vegetarians will not even be allowed access to safe food. Apeel is a diglyceride that is sprayed onto fruits and vegetables that makes them last almost forever. You cannot scrub it off without destroying your fruits and vegetables.

Seems like they want us to eat poisons with every meal.

David Rothkopf, the former CEO of Kissinger Associates, wrote Superclass in which he said that the world is run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. They do not regard you as human. They despise you and everyone you care for. And they are more than willing to kill 7 1/2 billion people just so they can hold onto their unearned positions in society.

Source, and for more articles from Video Rebel:

Video Rebel

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