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COVID-19 Vaccines Likened To ‘Software Updates’ For Your Body by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Moderna describes mRNA products as “gene therapy technology” in its SEC filing. BioNTech’s SEC filing also specifies that in the U.S. and Europe, mRNA therapies are classified as “gene therapy medicinal products”
mRNA technology has, since the start, been recognized as a form of gene therapy, but one that doesn’t permanently alter your DNA. However, some medical experts worry that mRNA injections might be able to reverse-transcribe into your genome and in fact alter your DNA on a more permanent basis. A study by MIT and Harvard scientists demonstrates that segments of RNA from SARS-CoV-2 are reverse-transcribing into the human genome, likely becoming a permanent fixture in human DNA. This has been thought impossible for the same reasons used to assure us that vaccine RNA cannot alter DNA. In a 2017 TED Talk, Dr. Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna, describes the company’s mRNA vaccines as “information technology,” and likens mRNA to your body’s operating system. As such, mRNA injections are human “software updates,” thereby ushering in transhumanism. A Peruvian research professor warns that transhumanism is part and parcel of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution agendas, which are being rolled out at a furious pace under the auspices of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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