January 2025

Requiescat In Pace, Bishop Richard N. Williamson

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January 31, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived

Submit To Their Supremacy Or Die Quietly And Politely (4:38)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

The Synagogue Of Satan (Book)
The most damning exposure of who’s been running the world behind the scenes for centuries.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

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Music Of The Day
Singer And Actress Marianne Faithfull Dead At 78
Marianne Evelyn Gabriel Faithfull (December 29, 1946 – January 30, 2025) was an English singer and actress. She achieved popularity in the 1960s with the release of her UK top 5 single “As Tears Go By” and became one of the lead female artists during the British Invasion in the United States. Born in Hampstead, London, Faithfull began her career in 1964 after attending a party for the Rolling Stones, where she was discovered by Andrew Loog Oldham. Her debut studio album Marianne Faithfull (1965, released simultaneously with her studio album Come My Way), was a commercial success followed by a number of albums on Decca Records. From 1966 to 1970, she had a highly publicised romantic relationship with Mick Jagger.
Singer and Actress Marianne Faithfull Dead At 78 (2:48)
As Tears Go By (1964) (2:36)

Book Of The Day
The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed (Audiobook)
Origins and Originators of World War II
In this pathbreaking study of the origins of the Second World War, Dr. Hoggan explains why Hitler decided to attack Poland in 1939, and examines the short-sighted policies that made war all but inevitable. He dismantles the often-repeated charge of sole German responsibility for the war, which for many years has been a centerpiece of the prevailing narrative of twentieth century history. The eminent American historian Harry E. Barnes called this “the first thorough study of the responsibility for the causes of the Second World War in any language … likely to remain the definitive revisionist work on this subject for many years.”
by David L. Hoggan

Quote Of The Day
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
Vladimir Lenin

Website Of The Day
Dr. Peter Hammond
Frontline Fellowship is a Bible-based African Mission that has pioneered missionary work into neglected mission fields and areas resistant to the Gospel. Since 1982, Frontline missionaries have travelled hundreds of thousands of kilometres by foot, by motorbikes, by dugout canoes, trucks and aircraft to boldly proclaim the Gospel of repentance and faith in Christ to soldiers, guerrillas, resistance fighters and civilians on all sides of many conflicts in Africa.

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Meme Of The Day
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Critical Race Theory Archive With 70 Posts

What Comes Next On The Greater Israel Agenda?
The “ceasefire” will be violated and war with Iran promoted
If Israel continues to go carry out its plans of ethnic cleansing, genocide, territorial expansion and foreign aggression with unconditional US support, this may motivate other countries and some international institutions to continue turning against Israel, particularly as US power and influence are in rapid decline due to the rise of China and BRICS. All these trends are already underway: the questions is how fast they will develop into policies. But a renewed Israeli attack on an already devastated Gaza fueled by billions of US dollars could result in more and wider popular protest in the US in spite of government efforts to suppress pro-Palestinian protesters. It will also mean that the new phase of conflict will become Trump’s war, not Biden’s or Harris’ meaning that Democrats who stayed silent so as not to hurt the new administration will suddenly have a powerful incentive to criticize it. Alternatively, Trump is in a unique position to have “Nixon-goes-to-China moment,” which would have tremendous upsides for him politically and personally. Of course, Israel and its supporters would rise up in anger (they’ve killed people for less), but changing US and global public opinion could make the difference this time around if there is anyone in the White House who is listening.
by Philip Giraldi

Trump Middle East Rampage Begins (16:16)
by Vanessa Beeley

Palestinian Christians: Suffering Alone And Ignored By The Body Of Christ
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. (I Corinthians 12:12, 13) And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. (I Corinthians 12:26, 27) The title of this column bears the same title as my homily last Sunday, which is taken from the above Scriptures. The New Covenant has made all who come to faith in Christ one body: the Church, the Body of Christ. Scofield Futurists (aka Christian Zionists) say that Christ is two bodies: the Body of saved Gentiles and the Body of Jews, saved or unsaved. Futurists are still living in the Old Covenant. But the New Covenant Scriptures are clear: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:28, 29) I submit that as a whole America’s evangelicals are spiritually schizophrenic.
by Chuck Baldwin

Thirty Years Of Middle East Lies Just Keep Coming Back To Bite Us
The West’s ‘war on terror’ was built on a series of deceptions to persuade us that our leaders were crushing Islamist extremism. In truth, they were nourishing it
The story: Did you believe it 30 years ago when they told you that the Oslo Accords would bring peace to the Middle East? That Israel would finally withdraw from the Palestinian territories it had illegally occupied for decades, end its brutal repression of the Palestinian people, and allow a Palestinian state to be created there? That the longest runing sore for the Arab and Muslim worlds would finally be brought to an end? The reality: In fact, during the Oslo period, Israel stole more Palestinian land and expanded the building of illegal Jewish settlements at the fastest rate ever. Israel became even more repressive, building prison walls around Gaza and the West Bank while continuing to aggressively occupy both. Ehud Barak, Israeli prime minister of the time, “blew up” – in the words of one of his own main advisers – the US-backed negotiations at Camp David in 2000. Weeks later, with the occupied Palestinian territories seething, opposition leader Ariel Sharon, backed by 1,000 armed Israeli troops, invaded occupied Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque – one of the holiest places for Muslims in the world. It was the final straw, triggering an uprising by Palestinians that Israel would crush with devastating military force and thereby tip the scales of popular support from the secular Fatah leadership to the Islamic resistance group Hamas. Further afield, Israel’s ever-more abusive treatment of the Palestinians and its gradual takeover of al-Aqsa – backed by the West – served only to further radicalise the jihadist group al-Qaeda, providing the public rationale for attacking New York’s Twin Towers in 2001.
by Jonathan Cook

Bishop Richard Williamson: “The Jews Have A Vision: World Domination” (1:14:35)
by FFWN with Kevin Barrett

SITREP 1/29/25: Ukraine’s Mass Drone Heave Conceals Spreading Foundation Cracks
In the absence of any other effective requital, Ukraine has continued carrying out record-breaking drone attacks on Russian territory. There were another two nights of dozens if not hundreds of drones which have triggered debate-particularly from the pro-UA propagandist side-on whether Ukraine is finally breaking through to the ‘singularity’ point wherein production of cheap drones will begin consistently overwhelming Russian defenses, and ability to do anything at all. Scores of cities experienced the drone incursions, though most were shot down-but still various facilities were hit, most notably a large Ryazan refinery that is claimed to have processed 5% of all Russian oil: Ryazan oil refinery processed 13.1 million metric tons (262,000 barrels per day), or almost 5% of Russia’s total refining throughput in 2024. It produced 2.2 million tons of gasoline, 3.4 million tons of diesel, 4.3 million tons of fuel oil and 1 million of jet fuel, according to a source-based data. And another Lukoil one in Nizhny Novgorod at 56.111826782750065, 44.150536106619995, described as one of Russia’s largest, with a claimed 6% of Russian oil passing through it: Russia: Giant oil refinery struck by Ukrainian drones in Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region. It had a refining capacity of 17 million tons per year, accounting for over 6% of Russia’s total refining output. Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez is located 800km from Ukraine.
by Simplicius

New Neocon Manifesto: Keep US Troops In The Middle East Forever
The ‘Vandenberg Coalition’ wants Trump to prioritize Israel and maintain Iran as enemy number one
A leading neoconservative for most of the last half century has released a comprehensive series of recommendations on Middle East policy for the new Trump administration nearly all of which are ideas that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party would happily embrace. The 16-page report, entitled “Deals of the Century: Solving the Middle East,” is published by the Vandenberg Coalition, which was founded and chaired by Elliott Abrams, who has held senior foreign policy posts in every Republican administration since Ronald Reagan (except George H.W. Bush’s), including as Special Envoy for Venezuela and later for Iran during Trump’s first term. Created shortly after former President Biden took office, the Coalition has acted as a latter-day Project for the New American Century, a letterhead organization that acted as a hub and platform for pro-Likud neoconservatives, aggressive nationalists, and the Christian Right in mobilizing public support for the “Global War on Terror,” the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the move away from a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, particularly under the George W. Bush administration in which Abrams served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, surviving a number of purges of leading neoconservatives in that administration after the Iraq occupation went south.
by Jim Lobe

ACH (2507) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Sinking Of The MV Wilhelm Gustloff 80 Years Ago (53:08)

Architect Of Russia Sanctions Sentenced To 11 Years In Prison
US Democrat Bob Menendez has been found guilty on 16 charges in a sprawling bribery scheme to benefit a foreign country
A US senator has for the first time been found guilty of bribery and acting as an agent of a foreign government. US Democrat Bob Menendez, who championed stringent sanctions on Russia while he was chair of the highly influential Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has been sentenced to 11 years in prison on bribery and corruption charges. He was found guilty last July of accepting cash and gold bars and acting as an illegal agent for the Egyptian government, and resigned from the Senate a month later. “The public cannot be led to the belief that you can get away with bribery, fraud, and betrayal,” US District Judge Sidney Stein said on Wednesday. “I don’t know what led you to this,” Stein added. “You’ll have to try to figure that out yourself over time.” Prosecutors had sought at least 15 years in prison, along with millions of dollars in forfeitures and fines, arguing that such penalties were necessary “to provide just punishment for this extraordinary abuse of power and betrayal of public trust.” “For someone who spent his entire life in public service, every day I’m awake is a punishment,” the former lawmaker told the court.
by RT

The Death Of NATO?
As we know, or should know, NATO was originally a post-WWII British creation. Britain even came out and said that the purpose of NATO with respect to Europe was to “keep America in, Russia out, and Germany down.” That has been NATO’s script for lo these many years. But then there was Charles De Gaulle, president of France from 1958-1968, until he was forced to resign due to demonstrations sponsored by MI6 and the CIA in one of the first of many “color revolutions.” De Gaulle saw the EU as extending “from Lisbon to the Urals.” Alas, his vision was crushed by the viciousness of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire. Thanks for reading Three Sages! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. After the fall of the Soviet Union, when he had become president of Russia, Putin asked Clinton if Russia could join NATO. Clinton said he would ask his “advisers” and came back saying “No.” A quarter of a century has now passed. The Empire has been defeated due to the failed NATO proxy war in Ukraine and the unmasking of terrorist Israel. NATO is crumbling before our eyes, despite Starmer’s 100-year deal with Zelensky to sponsor unending terrorism against Russia.
by Richard C. Cook

The Big Picture Of Child Trafficking (3:35:07)
by Kyle Hunt, Sinead McCarthy, and Hugh Wyatt

puberty disruptors
trans ideology youth predation
back when i lived in san francisco in the 90’s, i used to walk home from work up columbus ave. i’d pass a scientology center there. they often had folks out on the sidewalk making a pitch: are you ever anxious and don’t know why? do you ever feel sad for no reason? are you ever confused? do you have mood swings or feel like something is oppressing you? if so, come on inside and we’ll give you a free evaluation and tell you how to get better! now, obviously, these are highly generalized ailments that have basically happened to everyone at some point. that’s the hook. they know that you have felt it. the trick lies in making the fact that you have felt it feel weird, like it’s wrong, like it’s something you need to do something about, like it’s something you need help with. then, they bring you inside, love bomb you, flood you with attention, and explain how what you’re feeling is actually dangerous to your humanity and before you can say “ron’s your uncle” you’re paying hundreds of thou to “go clear” in “audits” with star trek gadgets sold to you by a kool aid brigade that never lets up on you or encourages or even allows any interaction with normalcy.
by el gato malo

In Lebanon, Civilians Amass To Secure Liberation
Ignoring a foreign-imposed ceasefire ‘extension,’ southern Lebanese residents are reclaiming their villages from Israeli occupation, exposing the failures of both the invasion and US mediation – and it’s happening in both Gaza and Lebanon at the same time.
The image that Israel sought to project – both to its settlers and to the wider Arab world – of a resistance subdued, a nation defeated, and a broken will crumbled at dawn on 26 January as the 60-day deadline for the implementation of the ceasefire with Hezbollah approached. The shattering moment came as the Lebanese people triumphantly returned to their recently occupied villages with unrelenting resolve, putting an end to two months of perceived acquiescence and Israeli ambitions to extend its occupation of the country beyond the truce. Scrambling to attach legitimacy to Israel’s continuing violations beyond the ceasefire deadline, the White House issued a very brief statement on Sunday evening, announcing that the agreement would remain in effect until 18 February. Within hours, the Lebanese presidency’s X account posted: “There is no truth to the news about Israel informing Lebanon that it will remain at five border points for 15 days.”
by Khalil Harb

Adolf Hitler (1:02:17)
Chapter 30 This Time We Must Not Surrender January 17-April 20, 1945
by John Toland

The AI Fad Just Burned To The Waterline
Sometimes wide moats and billions of dollars to blow lead not to glory but to hubris, which beckons Nemesis.
While everyone was busy reassuring themselves the stock market was still A-OK, the driver of the market–the AI fad–just burned to the waterline. Yes, the current euphoric expectations for AI are a fad, the latest in the endless stream of “gotta have” status signifiers and cultural frenzies. The core dynamic in all fads is Human Wetware 1.0. Though we glorify our individuality–The primacy of the Individual is the key characteristic of Modernity–we remain a herd animal, alert to every twitch in the herd’s emotional state and anxious to join the herd when it starts running, lest we’re left behind or lose status. CEOs are just as prone to fads as the rest of us, and this is how the AI fad gathered momentum. A decade ago the warm-and-fuzzy tech fad that enamored every corporate HQ was fuzzy logic, one of the long line of precursors to the current AI mania. So labels touting “fuzzy logic” were slapped on rice cookers as everyone scrambled to cash in on the latest tech fad.
by Charles Hugh Smith

Chemtrails Exposed (2016)
By Peter Kirby – 60 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary
There is no shortage of footage of the spraying nowadays. It just comes down to whether you can believe your eyes versus the stories of condensation or dirty fuel. Weather modification technology exists and has existed for decades. The US decided to perfect it and dominate in this space after WW2 and went out of its way to spray the poor, abused, American population. Clouds of Secrecy – Lies are Unbekoming. This is an essential book for expanding our understanding of the full extent of the Empire’s capabilities—if any doubts still linger. Never forget that this same Empire aims to poison newborns within hours of birth. As you delve deeper into this subject, I invite you to reconsider the meaning behind the words climate change. With thanks to Peter Kirby. Imagine a massive casino where the house not only controls all the games but also owns the banks that loan money to the players, the insurance companies that cover their losses, and the weather outside that affects how many people come to play. Now imagine that this casino has found a way to control whether it rains or shines, whether it’s hot or cold, and even whether there will be storms – all while telling the players that any changes in weather are just natural variations or the result of their own actions.
by Unbekoming

Trump Declares War On Woke (21:50)
President Trump has taken significant action against “Woke” policies and ideologies related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), weaponized mass migration, and progressive overreach in areas like education, military, and corporate America.
by Robert Sepehr

Stray Bullet Deaths
Accident and Injury Statistics in September 2024
Report Highlights: A total of 34 deaths and 62 injuries from stray bullets have been reported in the United States as of September 25, 2024. 124 stray bullet or celebratory gunfire incidents made U.S. headlines in the first nine months of 2024. As many as 32% of celebratory gunfire injuries result in death. There were 34 known stray bullet deaths from January to September of 2024. Law enforcement agencies track thousands of shots fired calls every year. South America leads the world in the number of stray bullet deaths, with Brazil having the highest rate. How Many People Die from Celebratory Gun Fire Each Year? Between 1985 and 1992, 118 patients in California were identified as wounded by falling bullets (celebratory gunfire). Of those, 32% died. Every year, local police departments and medical officials warn the public about the dangers of celebratory gunfire, but there are still many cases of injuries and deaths globally each year. Celebratory gunfire typically involves falling bullets. Injuries are most often inflicted on the head or feet, and yes, they can be lethal. A .30 caliber bullet will fall at 300 fps (or 204 mph).
by Cassandra McBride

AI Combined With Holograms Creates An Uncrackable Optical Encryption System
As the demand for digital security grows, researchers have developed a new optical system that uses holograms to encode information, creating a level of encryption that traditional methods cannot penetrate. This advance could pave the way for more secure communication channels, helping to protect sensitive data. “From rapidly evolving digital currencies to governance, health care, communications and social networks, the demand for robust protection systems to combat digital fraud continues to grow,” said research team leader Stelios Tzortzakis from the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas and the University of Crete, both in Greece. “Our new system achieves an exceptional level of encryption by utilizing a neural network to generate the decryption key, which can only be created by the owner of the encryption system.” Writing in Optica, Tzortzakis and colleagues describe the new system, which uses neural networks to retrieve elaborately scrambled information stored as a hologram. They show that trained neural networks can successfully decode the intricate spatial information in the scrambled images. “Our study provides a strong foundation for many applications, especially cryptography and secure wireless optical communication, paving the way for next-generation telecommunication technologies,” said Tzortzakis. “The method we developed is highly reliable even in harsh and unpredictable conditions, addressing real-world challenges like tough weather that often limit the performance of free-space optical systems.”
by Optica

January 30, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived

ACH (2507) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Sinking Of The MV Wilhelm Gustloff 80 Years Ago (Audio 53:08)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Dr. Peter Hammond

Wilhelm Gustloff Museum
Throughout these pages, you will learn about the deadliest maritime disaster in history
with 9,343 women, children, and men losing their lives.

The Sinking Of The Wilhelm Gustloff (44:28)

Sinking The Gustloff (46:28)

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Music Of The Day
January 30, 1969, Apple
Rooftop Concert
by The Beatles
The Beatles Perform Impromtu, Final Concert On London Rooftop
On January 30, 1969, The Beatles made a media splash when they played an unannounced gig on the roof of the Apple Corps building in London. The lunchtime set marked the legendary band’s final live performance. Joined by keyboardist Billy Preston, the group played 42 minutes of new material, including multiple takes of “Get Back,” “Don’t Let Me Down,” “I’ve Got A Feeling,” “The One After 909,” and “Dig A Pony.” Chaos ensued when fans learned about the impromptu performance and traffic was brought to a standstill, as crowds of people gathered below and watched from the windows and rooftops of nearby buildings. John Lennon ended the performance by saying, “I’d like to say ‘thank you’ on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we passed the audition.”
The Beatles
Rooftop Concert (January 30, 1969) (22:05)
Don’t Let Me Down (January 30, 1969) (3:31) (516,000,000 views)

Book Of The Day
The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed
Origins and Originators of World War II
Back in Print! Completely reset, expanded and reformatted new IHR edition! In this pathbreaking study of the origins of the Second World War, Dr. Hoggan explains why Hitler decided to attack Poland in 1939, and examines the short-sighted policies that made war all but inevitable. He dismantles the often-repeated charge of sole German responsibility for the war, which for many years has been a centerpiece of the prevailing narrative of twentieth century history. The eminent American historian Harry E. Barnes called this “the first thorough study of the responsibility for the causes of the Second World War in any language … likely to remain the definitive revisionist work on this subject for many years.” With index, source notes, extensive bibliography, map, and 30 photographs. Available in both hardcover and paperback editions.
by David L. Hoggan

Quote Of The Day
“Truth will prevail if its proponents are as ruthless as the enemy.”
Adolf Hitler

Website Of The Day
The Institute for Historical Review (IHR)
For a More Just, Sane and Peaceful World
The Institute for Historical Review is an independent educational center and publisher that works to promote peace, understanding and justice through greater public awareness of the past, and especially socially-politically relevant aspects of modern history. We strive in particular to increase understanding of the causes, nature and consequences of war and conflict. We defend freedom of speech and freedom of historical inquiry. We work to provide factual information and sound perspective on US foreign policy, World War Two, the Israel-Palestine conflict, war propaganda, Middle East history, the Jewish-Zionist role in cultural and political life, and much more.

Hundreds Of Independent Websites
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Meme Of The Day
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,800 Archived.

Science Archive With 3,066 Posts

DeepSeek Faces Surging Cyberattacks, US IPs Among Thousands Targeting Chinese AI Start-Up
Chinese AI start-up DeepSeek has been subjected to a series of sophisticated and large-scale cyberattacks over the past month, according to XLab, a Chinese cybersecurity firm. The attacks, which began in early January, have escalated significantly in both scale and complexity, posing unprecedented challenges to DeepSeek’s operations and data security, experts from the XLab told the Global Times on Wednesday and warned that the attacks are expected to continue in the future. The lab told the Global Times on Wednesday that there are still HTTP proxy attacks targeting DeepSeek. The monitored source IPs range from hundreds to thousands, most of which are located in the US, Singapore, the Netherlands, Germany, and domestically, according to XLab. DeepSeek on Tuesday launched a new open-source multimodal model Janus-Pro, an upgraded version of its earlier Janus model, which significantly enhances multimodal understanding and visual generation capabilities. Earlier in January the company released the latest open-source model DeepSeek-R1, which has achieved an important technological breakthrough – using pure deep learning methods to allow AI to spontaneously emerge with reasoning capabilities.
by Leng Shumei

Decade-Long Battle Against Baby Part Trafficking Ends In Victory (19:32)
Shocking undercover videos where abortion providers discussed selling fetal organs for profit – even bargaining over parts like hearts and livers while eating! But Kamala Harris and her successor Xavier Becerra ignored t the crimes and prosecuted the journalists. The investigation uncovered that none other than Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci were among the recipients of these procured parts, using them for experiments like creating humanized mice. A Brave New World:Meanwhile, the narrative takes a darker turn with the mention of new fertility research aiming to create babies from single individuals, hinting at a future where traditional family structures could be replaced by state-controlled “hatcheries” – a chilling nod to dystopian eugenics.
by The David Knight Show

Dear World: This Is What Palestinian Unity Looks Like
Even those of us who have long emphasised the importance of the Palestinian people’s voice, experience and collective action in Palestinian history must have been shocked by the cultural revolution resulting from the Israeli war against the people in Gaza. By cultural revolution, I mean the defiant and rebellious narrative evolving in Gaza, where people see themselves as active participants in the popular resistance, not just mere victims of the Israeli war machine. When the ceasefire was announced on the 471st day of the Israeli genocide, The Palestinians in Gaza rushed onto the streets in celebration. Media outlets reported that they were celebrating the ceasefire, but judging by their chants, songs and symbolisms they were celebrating their collective victory, steadfastness (sumud) and resilience against the powerful Israeli army, which has been and remains supported by the US and other Western countries. Using basic tools, they hurried to clean their streets, clearing debris to allow the displaced to search for homes. Although their homes were probably destroyed by Israel – 90 per cent of Gaza’s housing units were, according to the United Nations – they were still happy, even if they could only sit on the rubble. Some prayed atop concrete slabs, some sang in large, growing crowds, and others cried but insisted that no power could ever uproot them from Palestine again.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud

The Rise Of The Immortal Dictator: What Will AI Mean For Freedom And Government?
“If one company or small group of people manages to develop godlike digital superintelligence, they could take over the world. At least when there’s an evil dictator, that human is going to die. But for an AI, there would be no death. It would live forever. And then you’d have an immortal dictator from which we can never escape.” ~ Elon Musk (2018)
The Deep State is about to go turbocharged. While the news media fixates on the extent to which Project 2025 may be the Trump Administration’s playbook for locking down the nation, there is a more subversive power play taking place under cover of Trump’s unique brand of circus politics. Take a closer look at what’s unfolding, and you will find that all appearances to the contrary, Trump isn’t planning to do away with the Deep State. Rather, he was hired by the Deep State to usher in the golden age of AI. Get ready for Surveillance State 2.0. To achieve this turbocharged surveillance state, the government is turning to its most powerful weapon yet: artificial intelligence. AI, with its ability to learn, adapt, and operate at speeds unimaginable to humans, is poised to become the engine of this new world order. Over the course of 70 years, the technology has developed so rapidly that it has gone from early computers exhibiting a primitive form of artificial intelligence to machine learning (AI systems that learn from historic data) to deep learning (machine learning that mimics the human brain) to generative AI, which can create original content, i.e., it appears able to think for itself. What we are approaching is the point of no return.
by John and Nisha Whitehead

No More White Babies (2:58)
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Ukrainian Media Outlet Leaks Alleged Trump Plan To End Ukraine War
The plan includes reaching a ceasefire before Easter and a deal to end the war by May 9
The Ukrainian news outlet Strana has published leaked details of President Trump’s alleged plan to end the war in Ukraine in 100 days. According to Newsweek, which said it couldn’t verify if the details were accurate, the plan starts with holding a phone call between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in late January or early February, followed by meetings with both Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in February or March. The leaked plan calls for a ceasefire to be declared by Easter, which falls on April 20. The truce would involve Ukraine withdrawing troops from Russia’s Kursk Oblast. Once the ceasefire comes into effect, a peace conference will begin hammering out the details of a lasting agreement. The plan calls for a deal to be reached by May 9. Once the details of the agreement are released, Ukraine will be instructed to end martial law and mobilization. That would mean Zelensky could lose power since his presidential term expired in May 2024, and he used martial law as the justification for not holding new elections. The plan would require allowing parties who oppose continuing the war with Russia to run for office.
by Dave DeCamp

Death By Medicine (2011)
By Gary Null PhD – 40 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary
Imagine you’re boarding what appears to be a luxurious cruise ship. The exterior is impressive, the advertising is persuasive, and the ticket price is the highest in the world. This ship represents the American healthcare system – the most expensive and outwardly impressive in the world. However, once aboard, you discover disturbing realities: The crew members rarely communicate with each other about navigation hazards. When they hit icebergs, they often don’t report them. Some crew members are actually salespeople in disguise, promoting expensive but unnecessary ship services. The ship’s maintenance logs are incomplete, with only 5-20% of problems documented. The kitchen serves food that makes one-third of the elderly passengers sick. The ship’s doctor prescribes medications without checking what other ship doctors have already prescribed. Most alarmingly, the equivalent of six jumbo jets worth of passengers die every day during the cruise, but these deaths are often attributed to “natural causes” rather than the ship’s conditions. The ship’s owners know about these problems but resist major reforms because the current system is highly profitable. Meanwhile, similar ships from other countries (like Japan, Sweden, and Canada) transport their passengers more safely at a fraction of the cost. This is the American healthcare system – a massive, expensive enterprise that often harms the very people it’s meant to protect, resistant to change due to entrenched financial interests, while safer and more efficient alternatives exist elsewhere in the world. The analogy illustrates how a system designed to help people has become hazardous to public health, prioritizing profit over safety, and resisting the fundamental reforms needed to prevent unnecessary deaths and injuries.
by Unbekoming

Dirty Money (3:10)
Performed by Alice Irby at Suno Studios
Written by DC Dave
Video by BuelahMan

Who Has The Latest News On The Coming Peace In Ukraine? India’s WION. Not CNN, Not The Financial Times!
This morning at 8am I got a phone call from India’s largest global television broadcaster in English, WION, requesting an interview to discuss points made by Vladimir Putin yesterday in a remarkable interview which he gave to his ‘shadow,’ reporter Pavel Zarubin of state television channel Rossiya 1, while traveling in his Aurus limousine from Moscow to Samara, where he had several speaking engagements. Putin elaborated in his chat with Zarubin on the circumstances surrounding the nearly consummated negotiations in April 2022 to end the war on mutually acceptable terms a little more than a month following the start of hostilities and thus to avert the carnage and destruction that has occurred since. He also commented on the obstacles to be overcome now if a cessation of hostilities and start of peace talks are to be undertaken again, as Donald Trump has been insisting. The single biggest obstacle is the continuation in office of Volodomyr Zelensky, per President Putin. If this position statement by Putin is not newsworthy this morning, what is? Have Putin’s remarks been reported by The New York Times, by The Financial Times, by CNN so far? No! Here and now, let us go over the points made by Putin yesterday. When the video of my interview with WION is sent to me, today or tomorrow, I will post it separately.
by Gilbert Doctorow

Israeli Atrocities Continue In Lebanon
Rampant war crimes and ceasefire violations mark the trail of the Greater Israel project as it advances — with help from the U.S.-backed government in Beirut — in southern Lebanon.
Not only did Israel fail to evacuate its army from Southern Lebanon on Sunday, as stipulated in the ceasefire agreement, its forces also shot over 130 Lebanese civilians attempting to return home in accordance with the deal, killing 23 and wounding 109 (of whom some are in critical condition). This included a 12-year-old boy wounded in the neck in Kfarkela, standing right next to my local producer Mahmood. I was 20 yards away and on my way to them. Four were killed in Kfarkela and overnight the Israeli army demolished numerous homes there in “punishment.” Apart from one Lebanese army soldier, all of the dead were civilians simply attempting to return to their homes. At least five of the dead were children. All were shot, not bombed. Israel’s excuse for not withdrawing is that the ceasefire agreement is not fulfilled, in that Hezbollah have not been disarmed south of the Litani River, and that the Lebanese army has not assumed control. I have spent every waking hour of three days travelling the entire southern border (remember Lebanon is a very small country; its entire area is less than Yorkshire or Connecticut and the demarcated border region is much smaller still). I can guarantee the Lebanese army is fully in control of the area. There are army checkpoints at every major crossroads and town entrance and at every track into the hills. What is more to the point, I saw nobody at all except for the Lebanese army carrying weapons.
by Craig Murray

Deepseek R1 Explained (10:06)
by Dave’s Garage

A Trump Deal – Alliance Between America, China And Russia
Trump is in a bind with his foreign policy. Having stated he would end the Ukraine/Russia war within 24 hours, he is now demonizing Putin and threatening more sanctions if Putin doesn’t end the war. Putin has brought up an interesting point regarding any peace deal – Zelenskky is not authorized to sign the deal because he is not the President of Ukraine according to Ukraine’s Constitution. Zelenskky illegally halted the presidential elections citing the war as his justification. However, that justification is illegal. Therefore anything negotiated and signed by Zelenskky can be trashed by the West at any future point. Putin has outlined his red-line proposal: 1. No NATO. 2. Annexed territories belong to Russia. 3. Elimination of Nazi battalions. 4. No bioweapon labs. Zelenskky has lost. He has no basis for leading negotiations or demanding anything, however, according to Rubio, Putin needs to give Ukraine something to save face for the CIA losing another war. And Trump is eying those rare earth minerals… Prolonging the inevitable does not change the inevitable. Technically, as Secretary of State, Rubio should be negotiating with Russia. Rubio is woefully under-qualified for the job. The Deputy Director, Landau, has no qualifications to negotiate foreign delegations, leaving Trump to do their job. Landau is a bully and Rubio is weak.
by Helena Glass

Greenland As A New Frontier
Trump’s Greenland initiative is not just geopolitics but the foundation for a post-state order driven by the Tech Right’s vision of sovereignty, technology, and alternative governance.
Trump’s projects related to Greenland, as it has been established, have a very serious foundation. Those referred to as Right Tech, that is, Silicon Valley oligarchs and foremost Peter Thiel, have decided to create a new post-state in the far North. Based on far-right values, Bitcoin, direct democracy, and futuristic experiments with the nature of time. This should be taken very seriously. Instead of giggling and presenting old-regime arguments, let’s think: these very Trumpists, with Greenland and the “Technological Republic,” have managed to seize power in the USA. And now, they will move forward. Mars, that’s where Elon Musk pointed with his strange gesture. We must look to the future, not dig in the dead ends of the past. The main thing is that there is no more liberalism in the world, and there never will be; indeed, there will be no Enlightenment as such. It was a deviation; we’ve reached a dead end, and now we are rapidly exiting from it. We must have a venture future – that is, we need to liberate the inner world, which means reaffirming the dignity and power of the immortal soul. In US civil war is over. Normality has won depravity. In EU civil war is still going on. And depravity and lie are still in power. How long?
by Alexander Dugin

Chinese Firm Disrupts Big AI With DeepSeek (26:07)
by Peak Prosperity

Doug Casey On Ross Ulbricht: Implications For The Future Of Freedom In America
International Man: In 2011, Ross Ulbricht founded the website Silk Road. It was a cleverly designed online marketplace that leveraged decentralized technologies like Tor and Bitcoin to establish an anonymous and completely free market without government interference. Much to the chagrin of politicians like Chuck Schumer, the Silk Road operated openly and successfully for about two and a half years. Eventually, the government managed to identify Ross, arrest him, and shut down the Silk Road. What’s your perspective on the concept of the Silk Road and the government’s response to it?
Doug Casey: This is a question that touches a lot of bases. It has roots in the drug war. My view is that drugs should generally be avoided because they typically cloud your mind and obscure your understanding of reality. But it’s entirely up to the individual, a matter of personal responsibility and personal preference. It’s certainly not the business of the notoriously corrupt DEA, which should be abolished. The government and its employees have learned absolutely nothing from their prohibition of alcohol from 1919 to 1933. Prohibition turned drinking from a social custom where some individuals overindulged into a “crime” that destroyed tens of thousands of businesses and millions of lives and tore a hole in the fabric of society. It fostered wholesale violence and serious police corruption while supplying the Mafia and other criminal organizations with a huge and consistent source of funds. Today’s illegal drugs are exactly analogous to the Prohibition of alcohol 100 years ago. Making drugs illegal causes vastly more damage than any possible good.
by Doug Casey

UNRWA Shutdown Risks Killing Gaza Ceasefire: Official
The head of the UN’s Palestinian Aid Agency (UNRWA) said Tel Aviv’s decision to halt his agency’s assistance programs in Israel jeopardizes the Gaza truce and hostage deal. On Tuesday, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN said UNRWA would have to cease its operations in Israel when Tel Aviv’s law banning the organization goes into effect on Thursday. “UNRWA must cease its operations and evacuate all premises it operates in Jerusalem,” Ambassador Danny Danon told the Security Council. “Israel will terminate all collaboration, communication and contact with UNRWA or anyone acting on its behalf.” UNRWA Chief Philippe Lazzarini responded by saying the shuttering of UNRWA in Israel risked causing the Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal to end. “In two days, our operations in the occupied Palestinian territory will be crippled, as legislation passed by the Israeli Knesset takes effect,” he told the UNSC. “At stake is the fate of millions of Palestinians, the ceasefire, and the prospects for a political solution