Neil Oliver: Deliberate Destruction And Dismantling (9:27)
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Neil Oliver: Deliberate Destruction And Dismantling (9:27)
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“Their [the Jesuit-Illuminati’s] goal is to rule the world. The doctrine of this group is not democracy or communism, but is a form of fascism. The doctrine is totalitarian socialism. You must begin to think correctly. The Illuminati are not Communists, but some Communists are Illuminati. (1) Monarchism (thesis) faced democracy (antithesis) in WW1, which resulted in the formation of communism and the League of Nations (synthesis). (2) Democracy and communism (thesis) faced fascism (antithesis) in WW2 and resulted in a more powerful United Nations (synthesis). (3) Capitalism (thesis) now faces communism (antithesis) and the result will be the New World Order, totalitarian socialism (synthesis).”
-William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, p. 79