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The Contagion Myth And Germ Theory Hoax For Dummies by Gabriel B. (Text and Videos)

The Satanic elite running the show behind COVID are hoping that the populace remains “dummies” with regards to the germ theory. And germs are just that – a theory. This post will be a brief expose on what I’ve learned over the past few months regarding germs and viruses and the truth about what makes us sick. Everyone needs to know this, it’s the only way we are to avoid plunging into a NEW NORMAL of medical apartheid and the loss of nearly all freedoms, assuming one wants to avoid routinely getting jabbed with a dose of poison (vaccines). To understand how germs became such a fixed part of our culture (pun intended), let us go back to the 19th century with the birth of modern bacteriology and Robert Koch. Yet sickness, or rather, a similar set of symptoms might break out in a family. But many invisible things pass from person to person – for example someone yawns in a room and soon two or three other people yawn. Something has passed, invisibly, between them, to make that urge to yawn “contagious.” So too is the phenomenon of chicken pox or flu, but in neither case do we need to posit germ particles as the enemy. It’s more likely something being exchanged in the more subtle psychic and etheric realms. And in the case of exosomes spreading, like with chicken pox, the purpose is to spread the adaptive cellular strategy, and sure enough, people who get chicken pox as children are healthier in the long run; everyone knows this. An adult who gets chicken pox is “25 times more likely to die” and this is because they were not exposed to the exosomes as a child that would have prepared them for whatever stressor really causes that set of symptoms we call “chicken pox.”

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