Dr. David Martin Condemns “Vaccine” Pushing CEOs: It’s “Terrorism” Against Their Own Employees (38:07)
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The best spokesman I’ve ever seen, David E Martin exudes expertise and the real, verifiable kind. Follow that science to freedoms and integrity returned.. and possibly upgraded. The man is a veritable knowledge bank on legs. Yet a man who very deeply cares for we human beings, as a whole, and especially as individual lives. I cannot recommend his words highly enough. Please. Do yourself a favor and just watch him. Listen. Find his Plandemic piece, it is THE most outstanding slap (however gently) to the sleeping, benumbed faces across this nation and the world at large. That statement. I had to rewatch it. The 1st viewing, my own personal shock and trauma – I knew it was bad; the fuller view, but the exacting manner it was delivered in, the patents, but also the concerted and revealing dates, corporate entities’ names, connections, moves and then new moves along a timeline of patents that speaks volumes. Must see. Twice.
I’m grateful as hell that we have this guy who’s somehow retained his motivation to be a real human throughout his quite lofty, with excellent reasons, career pathways.