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The Delta Variant, The Unvaccinated, The Two Americas, And Other Propaganda Fabrications by Jon Rappoport

There is no Delta Variant. Because there is nothing to vary FROM. In other words, as I’ve been proving for more than a year, SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. But the vaccine establishment and public health officials are pumping up the Delta hoax in order to convince more people to take the highly dangerous RNA COVID vaccines (genetic treatments). Their narrative is a threat: in unvaccinated pockets, the Delta percolates and then breaks out, infecting many…followed by a further spread into communities of the vaccinated, where… It can infect even those people. Gibberish. Every covert op starts out with a goal, an objective. Then an action-plan for achieving the goal. Then, the story that will be told to make it seem as if the unfolding actions are “responses to actual events in real time.” The COVID narrative, from 2019 up to this moment, was planned. The art of propaganda involves making that narrative seem as if it’s composed of in-the-moment responses to unanticipated reactions of the public. And the plan doesn’t require genius or even extensive data collection and profiling. Any reasonably intelligent person could sketch it out on a napkin during lunch. Why? Because a hundred years of Rockefeller Germ Theory and vaccination lies have tuned up the population to respond to words like “outbreak” and “epidemic” in predictable ways.

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