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It’s The Vaccine That Kills, Stupid by Michael Walsh

The first-ever autopsy of a person vaccinated against COVID-19, who tested negative 18 days later upon hospital admission but at 24 days after the VAX, has revealed viral RNA was found in almost every organ of the body. The vaccine, while triggering an immune response, failed to stop the virus from entering every organ in the body. The viral RNA was found in virtually every organ in the body, which means the spike proteins as well. ‘People think that only a minority of people get adverse effects from the vaccine. Based on this new research, it means that everyone, eventually, will have adverse effects, because those spike proteins will be binding to ACE2 receptors everywhere in the body. That mRNA was supposed to stay in the injection site and it’s not. That means the spike proteins created by the mRNA will be in every organ as well, and we now know it is the spike proteins that do the damage. Worse, the viral RNA being found in every organ despite a vaccine, indicates either: 1) The vaccine doesn’t work at all, or; 2) The virus is enjoying Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), meaning it actually spreads faster in vaccinated people. This is a global timebomb.’

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